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The European Union: In Or Out?

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AB Editor | 13:24 Mon 25th Apr 2016 | News
249 Answers

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If the EU referendum happened tomorrow, which way would you vote?

  • Out - 208 votes
  • 70%
  • In - 91 votes
  • 30%

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Viv....are these "foreigners" not evident in Hospitals in the guise of different types of workers ?

I have spent an awful lot of time visiting my sick brother in the Heath Hospital in Cardiff these last 3 years, and if you see a person with a mop and bucket, or the green uniforms of auxiliary nurses, they have almost all been non-white and non-Brit.

The care-home industry seems to rely on foreigners as well....lots of Filipino carers in my part of the world.
Firstly, please do not tell me what I should have written , when it was you who skewed what I did write.

Secondly, I have said on 2 previous threads:

“These scrounging Brits who claim that they are better off on benefits should be MADE to do these jobs, and learn to live within their means like the rest of us have to. It just means they’ll have to save up that little bit longer for the next tattoo or piercing, or get their nails done less often!
That way the tax payer doesn’t have to support them, which CAN only be good for our economy”.


And here.

Both threads you participated in.

Now, either you don’t read all the comments on the threads you participate in, or you have the memory of a goldfish. So perhaps you may now like to comment on my suggestion and stop making excuses as to why we need even more people on our already overburdened island.
I passed through Cumbria no that long ago, plenty room there seems that we agree on this issue of our own dole bludgers, but you post was still unclear and confused.
steg, and loads of available homes, schools, hospitals, transport links and jobs too? That's the answer then.
looks like the in crowd are making a comeback!
"steg, and loads of available homes, schools, hospitals, transport links and jobs too? That's the answer then."

Aye cool, glad that's sorted
So, mikey. “We agree.”

Could you now answer this (as your post is unclear and confused).

Making British dole bludgers (“bludger" being your word of choice) do the work that is currently done by foreigners, would mean that we would no longer need these foreigners.
A simple “yes” or “no” please.
steg, haaaa!
Question Author
"Can you add a third option for 'Undecided'?"

You won't get that choice in the ballot box.

I suppose you could decide not to vote...
whatever the result of the referendum, surely you dont all think that will be the end of it all do you ?..."Leave" and you really think the eussr is going to allow what they see as the jewel in their crown, the UK to just walk away and their dreams of an empire crumble ?...they will have all sorts of strategy/plans to stop us, luckily they havent harmonised the military yet....if its stay that will be a priority, to stop future unrest by a seperatist independence group/groups...hmmm doesnt this all sound familiar ?

and if its Stay, those that want out wont just roll over thats for sure...
the coming years are going to fun thats for sure

Mickey, the reason why many east euros & migrants are employed is coz they work below the minimum wage (untaxed).
retro - didn't see your post, sorry and mikey is still bleating on about foreign workers and missing the point, as usual !
FAO of balders @17.34
Carsey Toilet (London)
''Scuse me, just gotta pay a visit to the Khazi.'


Don't be long or there'll b a cue!
“I'm in as well. I really hope the poll here isn't representative of the nation.”

Well I’ve been good enough, in many of my posts, to explain why I would like to see the UK leave, cloverjo. I have not seen much in the way of reasoning for those who wish to remain. Perhaps you could help. Try to concentrate on the advantages of staying in (rather than the perils of leaving) and try to provide details of advantages that could not be achieved with the UK outside the EU. Also perhaps you could let us know how willing you are to ignore the appalling democratic deficit which exists in the EU in exchange for these advantages. Sorry to make it sound like an exam question, but I really need some help because, as I said earlier, I cannot understand why anyone should want to remain in the EU.

“As long as it's unambiguous who won, I suspect the government will feel obliged to honour the result.”

One thing is certain, Jim. If it’s 50% + 1 to remain there will be no recounts, no fresh vote, no nothing. It will be billed as a “decisive result – the people have spoken”.
Bigbad....(11:40)...yes it would.

Eastern Europeans are here because there are jobs available. If our own dole bludgers were forced to work, instead of spending years claiming millions in state aid, then there would be considerably less job vacancies for foreign workers to take. I can't put any simpler than that and I have made the same point, many times before on here.
No, you couldn't be any simpler. Do you understand the correlation between immigration and low wages. Do you think people should take any job at any wage?

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