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How Do You Think The Referendum Vote Will Go?

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AB Editor | 10:08 Mon 06th Jun 2016 | News
107 Answers

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  • Out - 179 votes
  • 63%
  • In - 107 votes
  • 37%

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I really hope it's out.
i think the vote to stay in, will win.
78 to 22 percent to stay
stuey at 13.23. I think the older folks are more likely to vote out, as what was voted in 40 years ago has changed beyond recognition, and not for the better.

I want out, but think it may be in because people are scared of change.

I just hope the undecided can see through the increasingly ridiculous drivel that the stay campaigners are spouting.
It's beginning to look as if my bet (almost unheard of for me to enter a Bookies) is becoming a bit safer - I got 4 to 1 against Brexit! At least it's an 'edgy' bet now. :)
My nightmare scenario is, Britain will vote to stay in, Clinton will get elected, and Turkey will join the EU.
How bored is bored?
Good lawd Khandro, are you trying to give us nightmares? Out is in the box seat as we enter the final curve. One more "event" that highlights the EUSSR folly will swing it. Of course the designated "newspeak" outlets will be doing their best to suppress any unfavourable reporting. Keep your nerve outers, the Remainians are on the run. We can deliver salvation to the timid.
Stay, by a whisker.
^Mushroom alluded to that on page1, ymb, and I posted a link on page2. Seems like people don't care.
I hope the 'in crowd' will become so bored that they will not turn out to vote - the 'out' camp certainly aren't bored, they will mostly turn out. It will be heartbreaking if we miss this chance to escape Eutopia.
Today is your last chance to register. Remember to vote with your heart as well as your head. A decision for Capt. Kirk not Mr Spock.
Just consider that the leave campaign is championed by Boris, Nige, that weird Gove bloke. Windbags, liars and cheats.
The Remainians of course are championed by, Corbyn, Cameron, Blair, Brown, Osborne, and any amount of proven liars. They would cheat you of your heritage and set themselves, and their families, up for life with cosy EUSSR positions.
So Togo, you would rather have the UK run by cheats without the moderating influence of the EU rules that have protected human rights and working conditions..Do you own an East End sweatshop or do you have some other motive for diadvantaging the working classes?
Svejk, Stunning riposte...
I found a way to get a realistic answer...... ask your hairdresser what their customers are saying while in the chair.
When I spoke with her she was very knowledgeable about the issues and told me that only one person had said they were undecided and the rest......
Well if you will post jokes, jom.

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