Andy-hughes, //how could I make a reasonable comment without knowing what it is I am addressing?/
If you knew what the questions were why ask me?
//I am genuinely curious as to why you would question the religion of a newsreader, of which you may only be aware because of her dress//
I haven’t questioned her religion. I know what her religion is. I’d guess it from her name, and as you rightly say, confirm it from her mode of attire – which incidentally, even though most don’t recognise it, is an insult to every respectable man on the planet. But that aside, my point is that I don’t believe the editorial team at Channel 4 overlooked the possibility that some people may have found this insensitive. Nevertheless, they opted to go for the ‘damage limitation’ angle regardless of the upset that may cause. I hadn’t read the piece in the newspaper before today, but I watch Channel 4 news regularly, I’ve seen this lady before, I saw the original broadcast, and I thought at the time that the decision to ask her to present this item was in poor taste.