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Personally I'm against such bans, not because there isn't a battle to fought against repressive forms of Islam of which things like the burqa are ostentatious symbols, but because it;s the wrong terrain to fight - we're marching uphill in mud. (Remember Waterloo?). As is evident from the two threads on AB and the legal appeals in France, it's given the...
18:04 Fri 26th Aug 2016
ichkeria, Opinions polls suggested most French people backed the bans ....

... so in whose eyes does the PM looks silly. Yours perhaps? Not sure he'd care much about that.
Oh that's a shame !
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Hmmm, just said on BBC News it's been lifted in only one resort!! That was just the headline so we'll see.
Common sense prevails.

> Opinions polls suggested most French people backed the bans

Which only goes to show that common sense is not that common.

I could not put it better than the court: the decree to ban burkinis in Villeneuve-Loubet 'seriously, and clearly illegally, breached the fundamental freedoms to come and go, the freedom of beliefs and individual freedom'.

The "clearly illegally" is interesting. I hadn't realised that. One in the eye for those that claimed that the woman was breaking the law, when in fact the ban was!
Great news for women everywhere.:-)
Ellipsis. //common sense is not that common. //

Reading the majority of these posts sadly it seems you're right.
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Yep only in Villeneuve Loubet. For Now. I suppose all 30 towns will have to lift the ban.
Re BBC news, its likely the other resorts will be required to remove the ban.
/Great news for women everywhere//

Everywhere? There's a big world out there, Anne Asquith. My video shows a bit of it. There's a beach scene with lot of cops and some immodestly dressed girls in it.

Women's right to choose, eh? You've all heard of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran - that's why I've picked modern, multicultural and democratic Indonesia.

A few other its of "everywhere" (from the Beeb) where some women will not be as thrilled by the "great news" as Anne:

Ellipsis.....well said at 18:06 !
Sorry, forgot to post the link.
The issue we are debating is part of a huge area much wider than the beaches and what women wear - however all journeys start with a single step.

I doubt I'll live long enough to see peace on this earth but that doesn't mean we shouldn't cheer the small victories.
did he say Indonesia ?
this indonesia ?

Yudhoyono's government made little progress in ending impunity for past serious human rights abuses by security forces; failed to protect the rights of Indonesia's religious minorities from increasing harassment, intimidation, and violence by Islamist militants; allowed the enforcement of local Islamic bylaws that ...
World Report 2015: Indonesia - Human Rights Watch

erm... right ... OK
The Muslim ladies I have met in country welcome the the burka as it protected their outfits from dust. None of them them felt subjugated in the slightest.

Naomi, you really do seem to have a hellishly biased view, why?
Is it not time to declare that phallic symbols like police truncheons should in public ( not to mention private) places be fully covered so as not to alarm our morals.
//human rights abuses... allowed the enforcement of local Islamic bylaws//

Are you telling me you don't like this Sharia stuff, Peter? You risk falling out with all your friends on this thread who tell you that the Sharia, unlike secular France, is NOT oppressive and that Muslim women like dressing like that.
Ron ??
-- answer removed --
Didn't you say that you've been to certain parts of sub-Saharan Africa, Peter? Did you see any parts of Nigeria where Sharia has allegedly been implemented? If so, any comments?

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