Have any of you actually been there and experienced this or do we just blindly follow what the media force feeds us and take what they say as "Gospel"?
Remember the medias no 1 job is to sell papers, issue clickbait to spread mass hysteria,outrage and anger to unsuspecting internet users so that you would spread their article and get talking about what is in the farceticle
A few things that quite frankly alarmed me and alarmed me that in your dismay and outrage you haven't picked up on from this article.
"When I myself walked down South Street towards the mosque, figures in burkas peered out of their lace-curtained windows in surprise at seeing an uncovered woman's face."
^ How can you gauge surprise from someone whose face you cannot see?
A-You cannot.
"I asked one tall teenager, wearing an Islamic cap and white robes over his jeans, for directions to the mosque entrance. His response was to spit at me and shout: 'Go away, you shouldn't be here. Don't come back."
^So as a trained reporter you obviously filmed him,called police and got him arrested for assault and breach of the peace?
A-No she didn't.
"And, distressingly, every girl I saw — even those of six and seven playing in the park — was wrapped up in a hijab and shoulder-to-toe-gown lest a man glimpse her flesh"
Any pics as proof to back up this claim and add clout to your article?
"Eight of the nine pubs in the area have shut because there are hardly any local customers who drink alcohol. The hair salon, once giving stern perms to Yorkshire ladies, closed down long ago, the Western grocery and clothes shops, too."
Pubs are closing down in ALL areas since the smoking ban and the absurd presumption that the hair salon and western shops were closed down because of the alleged islamification of the area is strong.
Did the reporter state why the shops closed down, possibly the economy, retirement or many other reasons?
A-No she did not.
"Some have even received a knock on the door from complete strangers in religious robes offering wads of cash in plastic bags to purchase their homes."
Really daily mail? Really? Did this really happen?
My opinion
This farcitcle appears to have been written by a professional comedy writer and I twice had to check the date wasn't April 1st.
Personally I prefer to read the news especially after one is feeling tired and angry in the mornings and usually abstain from commenting publically but write down my comments I was going to post and instead have a soothing calming day, then pour myself a large cup of strong tea and then post in the evenings and the tone of the comments are usually night and day with the morning comments filled with frothy mouthed outrage and metaphoric fist shaking at the screen and the evening comments filled with a peaceful serene and sound mind.