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Tesco Bank Apologises After Customers Hit By Fraud

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mikey4444 | 08:31 Mon 07th Nov 2016 | News
24 Answers

I have an account with Tesco, but I seem to be OK...has anybody here on AB been effected ?


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40,000 saw "suspicious transactions" but 20,000 actually lost money.
I had a delivery today, and my bank accounts ok.

Its not Tesco,s fault, its the Bank of England, for not being up to date with solving how the hackers get accesses.
Not sure about that, trt - for example there may have been a security breach -but we'll have to wait and see.
I managed to log on last night and my account hasn't been touched. There is no suggestion of changing passwords/security info etc though so maybe this isn't the normal type of security breach- and I doubt hackers would have had the time to go through all the normal login processes for 40000 accounts in one go
trt, Account security is up to each individual bank NOT the Bank of England.
Every bank has it's own system.

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Tesco Bank Apologises After Customers Hit By Fraud

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