Of course this bloke has never been elected into Politics. How the hell did he get into the House of Lords? Oh yes, he helped write the Lisbon Treaty! That says it all.
To be fair though he is only saying what the left believe, agree with the prescribed view on any given subject or you are : stopid/Stupid/retarded/little Englander/knuckle dragger, delete as appropriate.
If native Britons are stupid one wonders how they became such a power in the world. Does he include himself among the stupid Brits ?
Since regaining sovereignty has nothing to do with xenophobia nor racism I suggest he should.
I've yet to hear of a good argument showing immigration to be a good thing for the country, except when war has decimated the population and the country is desperate for enough of working age to fill all the job positions available. Last I heard there were insufficient jobs here to ensure full employment.
Immigration does not keep the country running, it is a 'sticking plaster' to cover the fact that employers generally do not employ and train native British labour. Partly because they don't want to accept that they have such a responsibility, and partly because it is cheaper to employ those from lower paid/lower costs parts of the world.
For sure limiting EU immigration will not, by itself, sort the issue. So one wonders why bring that up. The issue can not be sorted until the UK population is stable or preferably falling. But it is vital to have that control of our borders and not be obliged to allow in any European that wants to wander in. Governments also need to ensure native British citizens are taking up the jobs and doing their fair share too, not ignoring it and arguing that immigration is needed to cover their failing.
Well the 'stupid Brits' thing is daft (he isn't referring to Brexters but the population in general and presumably tongue in cheek) but the rest of it is correct.
And surely if he wrote Article 50 that's good isn't it? Or not?
Slight correction, I'm sure many employers do employ Brits: but the point trying to be made is that there is a group of untrained folk on long term welfare who are not employed and should be before looking to outside the country for labour. Perhaps if for every immigrant employee taken on the company was taxed to cover the welfare of one native who is now still unemployed, that might give food for thought.
The native Britons were Celts were they not, driven to the fringes of our islands by the hopeless Italians and now heartily supporting the EU
Then the Germans came and then the Danes : then the Normans.
And now we defend our Saxon heritage and complain that the Germans want to take us over. But we aren't stupid, at least ;-)
I seem to remember that the Lison Treaty was the one that Briwn signed hurriedly through the back door just before he lost power and at the same time Darling signed an agreement to bail out the Euro. The Lisbon was originally called a "Constitution" then Oops, Blair suddenly remembered promising a referendum if the Constitution was changed and it was quickly slightly amended and called a "Treaty". Giscard d'Estang who wrote it said it was almost the same bar the name! This is how things are done in the EU.
“And surely if he wrote Article 50 that's good isn't it? Or not?”
No it’s not because A50 is part of the Lisbon Treaty, which the UK should never have subscribed to. Had it not been invoked an Article to escape from it would not have been required. As Linda correctly points out it is the same (bar the title) as the “Constitution” drawn up by the Euromaniacs.
But that's hardly this bloke's fault is it?
Plainly if you don't like the EU you won't like anything to do with it. But what Blair did sounds quite sensible actually in comparison to what his apprentice did. Brexit is a bit of a *** up really :-)
Brexit is fine - it's the people muddling things up that are the problem. 'Stupid' means about 80% of the people around here, including a very big businessman who imports agricultural machinery from Germany!
Insulting comment and shows exactly why the European Project is failing.
Just started sleeting hard here b.t.w.!
The idea is not new. I once worked with an Australian who missed no opportunity for explaining his view of how, through centuries of emigration, the gene pool of Britain must have deteriorated/degenerated through the loss of huge numbers of those with the most drive, initiative, imagination, etc. Certainly, the outsider's view of the British is quite different from that of Brits of themselves, and that is not limited to that Australian.
I've seen the arguments about Best Answer and it's quite meaningless. I chose early on because I never expect much response my Threads. i am not part of the AB "clique" and am normally ignored or sometimes totally dismissed. Thought Danny's early comment summoned up my feelings, then NJ added his more comprehensive missive so I changed my mind (a woman's perogative).
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