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Alexander Blackman Refused Bail.

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webbo3 | 18:20 Wed 21st Dec 2016 | News
171 Answers
For what reason would they refuse him bail, he not a risk to the general public.
Another case of out of touch judges.

Sgt Alexander Blackman refused bail pending new appeal



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//Not sure there is anything progressive about letting a convicted murder out on our streets// Gromit would never ever support such a Liberal any circumstance. Unless of course know different. Meehh.
21:27 Wed 21st Dec 2016
You no empathy for a soldier and what they go through?
I have plenty of empathy and I know what they go through but there are rules and he knew he was doing wrong he admitted as such as he did it!

So he deserves to be in jail
If you understand all that then why mention Oxford Street, there are seldom Apache Helicopter engagements on Oxford street.
Soldiers do not commit murder. They can kill people in combat but this wounded combatant was not a threat to them
This is a very unusual case in that a soldier knowingly committed murder. I do not have sympathy for him, he has let the armed forces down, and every soldier who has fought honourably and within the law.
I wonder if the Afghanistan's go through the same Crp
One of the previous questions asked if he was a risk to the general public - my point is he could me!

Bull st

TWR - sorry your point?
//my point is he could me! //19.23

//'be' //19.26

Does that mean "my point is he could be me"?
I think Islay means he could be a danger, which is fine to say, he could be but don't compare what happened to a stroll on Oxford Street.
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// Dodgy lawyers combing Gaul, encouraging malcontents to complain about a legionnaire infringing their human rights //

You must have a short memory.

This case came to light when the the video of the murder was found on another soldier's computer during an investigation into an unrelated crime. As if it wasn't daft enough to murder someone on film, the footage was evidently not destoyed but was being shared for entertainment.
Having just read the full judgement posted by Slaney at 17.37 it is FAR from sure that the appeal will succeed.
He has already appealed once and lost.
Even if it does succeed he is still guilty of manslaughter and will serve a long sentence. There is just NO WAY he could be freed on bail. I suggest those who think otherwise read the full link as I have done and then decide!
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If he is tried for manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility, his case will be fatally undermined by his own words uttered seconds after the murder when he recognised that he knew he had just broken the Geneva Convention.
As above.
You cannot really be aware that you have broken the Convention as you commit the crime, and then say your responsibilty was diminished.
Do notice how the hand wringers, breast beaters, and crocodile tear shedders, stop virtue signalling when a "social" issue doesn't touch their special nerve. Nothing social about the socialist you know. Every issue that they contrive is not about caring sharing luvvy duvvy yoo man itty, it is left wing fifth column politics at it's dirtiest. I bet the Germans wish he had shot the driver of the lorry.
" it is left wing fifth column politics....."

By those that have nowt worthwhile to contribute to a progressive society !
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Not sure there is anything progressive about letting a convicted murder out on our streets.

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