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The Madness Of King Donald

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pastafreak | 09:03 Tue 14th Feb 2017 | News
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An opinion by Andrew Sullivan in this week's NYMagazine...the first in a weekly series.
I know opinion will be divided,but it's there for all to read.


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(Sorry originally posted in the wrong Trump thread, not that there are a lot to choose from!) What that article also reflects rather starkly is the easy ride, in fact, which Trump and his administration has to date had from the press generally.
10:21 Tue 14th Feb 2017
Murraymints yes he was voted in. But I suspect few if any realized what a total 'shambles' he and his team would turn out to be!
Eddie....more fool them then !
I liked the video piece at the end, about the Statue of Liberty.
He spoke for those who think they are disenfranchised, those who felt politicians didn't care anymore. He spoke in soundbites they wanted to hear. He seemed like their champion.

Many of them are politically naive.

What a mess.
Mikey, American Presidents CAN be put out of power, its called Impeachment. It is highly unlikely Trump will be successfully Impeached as his party, The Republicans, hold the House of Representatives.
his policies about the wall were clearly laid out as was his immigration plan
That would be the wall which he said the Mexicans would pay for through import taxes and then cancelled the Mexican presidents visit. Yep, that's going really well.
And that would be the immigration policies, a significant implication of which has been ruled illegal.
As a bit of a sideline here - Trump voters who were on the affordable care act, and why they voted for him:

Thanks for that Ed !

This clip provided proof, it proof were needed, that the core Trump vote were overwhelmingly white, poor and uneducated, so no change there then.

The lady that was actively selling it, said that she didn't think Trump would put her out of a job, because he had kids ( ! )

It would seem to me that while these people were all very glad that they had ACA, especially the lady who had breast cancer, they still didn't believe that Trump would abandon it.
But if he did, Trump would replace it with something cheaper.

Naivety at its worst.

So, a straight case of turkeys actually voting for Xmas !
mikey it is the land of the free and everyone regardless of intellect etc can vote ! and they did !
Minty....I am not denying that, but what Eds video has shown, is that these people get what they deserve.
that is irrelevant...personally I think he may even stand down at some time..before he gets a bullet...but will his deputy be any better ?
He can hardly be worse, can he Minty ?
that remains to be seen !! bring back Obama !!
bring back Mrs Obama then she can be te figure head for her old man to pull the strings
Minty....if only !

Perhaps we will get Mrs Obama in 4 years time ?
why not she seems very capable and has the insight and experience of white House with guidence from him...
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Thanks for that, Ed.
People are taken in by promises...with no solid plans to back them up.
How can you repeal something that though flawed,is still serving as some protection for people...without first working out exactly what will replace it?
I don't follow Democrat politics very closely but I am not sure if there is anybody in the frame at the moment, even Mrs Obama.

I would be surprised if Hilary tried again.
CHANGE THE LAW REGARDING AMERICAN BORN AND I WILL DO IT !!lol maybe queen Nicola would have a bash !!

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