My mum panicked when I started my 1st period one Sunday evening and she had to run across to a neighbour with an older daughter. My total sex education from her then comprised 'All the boys will be after you now, be careful'. Fortunately I had seen a crackly film at school.
You can use rags and home-made, washable pads, but I agree that these girls were left in dire straits.
I regularly used to lose 2 or 3 days a month being sent home from school - Mum didn't believe me and played Hell - until one month she saw me - white-faced and shaking with pain and was alarmed enough to take me to the doctor's. I was 14 and he put me on the brand-new pill (I didn't know it was a contraceptive) and that changed my life. I was on it until age 50 - with breaks for kids. Then I had a horrific menopause.
But, back to subject... The mums should be making arrangements, but I understand that it can be expensive. I'll be putting a box of towels into our food box in Church from now on. However, it is not beyond the wit of woman to tear-up some old clothing and use that as a pad. Perhaps they should be told that.