Boggle no more !
read all abart it !
Solihull ( should that be wally-hull?) hired the famed Dr-hating Sir Ian Kennedy to do an axe job on the senior doctors and management at Solihull. yeah Wally-hull administrators hired Sir I Kay to do an axe job on their own hospital. Ian kennedy screamed: "where are my axes and bludgeons?" and set to with a determination beating down the trust offices doors whilst the admin whimpered - the wards are that way Sir Ian .....
report ....terrible mess - dead and dying admin all over the place.
yes he turned on the hands that fed him and had a good bite.
chunks of administrator meat hanging from the walls
blood on the carpet - lots of it !
torn blouses of secretaries ( secretaries still wearing them) - daubed with blood ! and gore !! .... spit as well
unintentional hilarity: dying bludgeoned medical director: you know as well as I do Sir Ian that the NHS is not blame-free....
Sir Ian [for it is he] writes : I was shocked I was truly shocked when I heard that . I know I got thro £60m of GMC money ( you didnt pay at all , taxpayer, that great lawyers' remuneration session did not cost you a penny!) on the Bristol Inquiry - the Great Blame and Shame Game - blaming well everyone ! but I did not expect to be confronted with the results of my own sins......blaah blaah blaah rubbish....rubbish rubbish ....
there is a lot of.... Sir Ian again....
Dr Wakeland, Gannon et al blew the whistle at regular intervals and nothing was done, and I was shocked truly shocked at how they didnt insist at regular intervals that their fears which had been ignored for years were taken into account by administrators who were themselves completely blameless.....[ except for the blameworthy ones of course]. There is even a fantasy bit where sir iam says that a doctor at another hospital should have raised concerns at his OWN hospital ( and not Ian P's). Dream on baby
read all about it yourselves
Sir Ian was parliamentary thingey when he recommended a 200% pay rise for his pay masters - the house of commons !
well he knows who's in charge - innit ?
Sir Ian - being many things but not a morbid pathologist - doesnt notice that Ian P takes out normal breasts (with his fantastic breast sparing mastectomies - which had NEVER been done before) I would call them lumpectomies but there you are - as Nigh would say: good for me !
and then with other women he did too small an excision
and left the margins with tumour in them
so if you audited tumour remnant - you would get a lowish figure - as some cases would be tunour clear -as they were normal anyway
if you measured mastectomy and reoperation - then that rate would be high but THAT was audited and complained .... and nothing done about it
and if you self-audit ( flavour of the month for the GMC) then as Sqad would confirm - any surgeon would find his results - Very Good Indeed. The GMC DID have Plan A - you audit each other - but was bluntly told that it was so boring an exercise that no one would do it. ( it is tedious enough doing it for ones own results)
and the Lawyers are calling for a full independent inquiry
well they would wouldnt they ?