hereIam - //I like Tommy Robinson, he just wants to halt the progress of muslim radicalisation and protect us from the ones who want us dead, not his fault if some of the protestors are not the full shilling ! //
I think it is entirely his fault.
My problem with people People like ‘Tommy Robinson’ is their colossal arrogance in imagining that they are the people do ‘defend’ the UK.
As evidence shows, the notion of vigilante-ist groups like this is that they attract hooligan elements who bring beer and treat any sort of rally as an excuse of a day out, a *** up, and a ruck with opposition if they are around, and the police if they are not.
When I want ‘defending’, I will call on appropriate people to do the job, not some self-righteous loud mouth and friends who take it upon themselves to act on my behalf, and cause trouble and violence doing it.