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Eu Nurse Applicants Drop By 96% Since Brexit Vote

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mikey4444 | 16:41 Mon 12th Jun 2017 | News
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Anybody still think that the NHS is safe on Tory hands ?


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A lot of people on this thread do not realise that the people who wash and dress patients ,deal with bedpans and dressings, hand out meals and menus, ARE NOT NURSES, they are ward assistants or orderlies. Nurses are now much closer to doctors and can even write prescriptions and care plans.
When I had a possible epileptic seizure I was in hospital for 3 days but did not see a doctor even once. I was dealt with by a 'Nurse Practitioner', she prescribed my medication and wrote my care plan, she decided when I was able to be released and it was she who I had to see 2 months later to check on my progress.
I'm not disbelieving you Eddie (I've never been in hospital overnight), but I find it astonishing that in 3 days you didn't see a doctor. Were you satisfied with your treatment? Did you not want to speak to a doctor, maybe a specialist in epilepsy and its treatment?
A lot of people on this thread do know the difference between a Nurse and a Nursing/Healthcare assistant.
Eddie, not all nurses are Nurse Practitioners. Those less qualified do deal with bedpans, washing, etc.
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Maybe that's what's wrong Eddie. Nurses trying to be doctors in all but name, and assistants/orderlies having to do the nursing.
Do Nurses only come from the EU then? What about all those that manage from other countries?

Something doesnt add up here.
I think the 96% figure is misleading anyone as I heard it just looks at one paricularly low month (April 2017 I recall) and compares it with another month (something like September 2016). Maybe there is a cyclical pattern to applications due to closing dates etc
Do you honestly think it's Brexit? Is it not the conditions, wages, Hours, Car parking fees , Paperwork, never having breaks when they should, Nurses on food banks causing the problem?
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TWR....yes, all of those factors are probably part of the problem, especially the pay cuts that Nurse have had imposed on them.

But it still remains that we are short of 40,000 Nurses, and this after 7 years of Tory rule, so my question still remains.
96% drop ....

is anyone surprised by this - we have just had two votes where we told immigrants they werent welcome
>"Nurses on food banks"
Fake news I'm afraid, TWR. There was one student nurse with children who had particular financial issues on Question Time or similar once I recall, and that story suddenly became "teachers, nurses and doctors rely on foodbanks"
Nurses starting salary is £21,692 rising to £28,180 on Band 5 of the NHS Agenda for Change Pay Rates. Salaries in London attract a high-cost area supplement. If that sort of salary requires food banks then we should expect most pensioners, students and a third of the working population to be relying on them too.
Whilst teh food banks myth is a distraction i do think (as I said earlier) there are recruitment and retention issues and questionmarks over the way the profession is organised.
Would you work In them conditions Peter when you can get £8>>>£10 at the big supermarkets? even in my old type of work, driver getting paid a pittance for hauling 44 tonnes about the country with some company's £8 p/h, Yes £8.P/H
So are you suggesting we reduce pay for shopworkers? I am not sure of the relevance of lorry drivers' rates TWR
// Do Nurses only come from the EU then? What about all those that manage from other countries? Something doesnt add up here.//

summing wrong dere den!

yeah your knowledge - EU nurses are allowed to come in and work here as a result of harmonisation of training. Freedom of movement.
NMC cant test ( restraint of trade - which we have had a bit about - you just set an exam for immigrants that no one can pass)

Employers are allowed to test ( but none do)
as then the test is to do with employment and not national registration
The point was, the difference in T/C & the wage for less stress F.F.
I think it largely depends whether you want a career /progression prospects, a vocation and a feeling of being valuable as well. Looking at the starting rates may deter some but rates haven't changed that dramatically to account for the claimed 96% reduction in applications

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