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Disgusting People, Wish There Was A Law To Stop Them

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trt | 11:20 Sun 13th Aug 2017 | News
251 Answers
The poor kids! :-(

I think their photo's give you a an idea what type they are, and they probably got well paid for the story!


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I should add, I don't think it's disgusting or terrifying, and I am not condemning this choice. I'm just wary of anyone projecting too strongly onto kids. Particularly this sort of thing, depending on how it's done it can either work superbly or disastrously, and there may not be much middle ground between those extremes.

I think in particular the part that Kathyan highlighted could be something to look out for later; for the time being, it seems that Star is happy enough though.
I too agree with Kathyan's point, he should have been allowed to answer that question and it be left right there.

Also trt, can you clarify 'what type' they are?
ok so one of them is a geezer who is changing sex but still likes women? So he's trying to be a lesbian! Right oh! F_F_S he was correct to start with! I'm confused.
Allow me to clear up your confusion, TTT: what gender you are, and what type of person you prefer to ***, are two separate questions.

Does that clear things up?
Looking at the tats and piercings I would say the "type" is a typical Jeremy Kyle guest
Probably not, Jim....
Expect some more 'F' comments - purely for emphasis one understands.
Regardless of the problems the parents ... from reading the article this child is very much a boy who likes doing boy stuff. Despite what the parents say they are pushing their ideas on the child.
Why make childhood so complicated when there isn't a need?
yes but the most common configuration is men -> women ? right? well the bloke is a bloke already and he's now trying to become a lesbian, is that not a bit like learning to write left handed so you can chop your right arm off?
I can't see a reason for the 'on drugs' remark.
It would be easy to take the urine out of this couple, but I am only concerned for the child. I wouldn't agree that it is child abuse, but I would question whether the right thing is being done by the child. He is either male or female, and not to make that specific can't be doing him any good.

And I don't for one minute, believe the parents when they say that he will dress a boy when he goes to school but it was his choice to wear pink vests and socks. Looking at the photo, its obvious that his parents have made every effort in order for him to look like a girl.

Lets see what happens when he comes home from school on his first day.
Oh, are we keeping them under surveillance?
-- answer removed --
There's a whole new language there I never knew existed, gender fluid, pan sexual.
Chanel....the photo shows that they have lost a lot of common sense.
They've made a little boy look like a little girl.

Little boys should look like little boys and little girls should look like little girls and when they are old enough to make their own minds up they can do what they like.

It's the dishonesty and hypocrisy. I don't think that's helpful or healthy for any child.
Careful, mikey ... your posts on this thread are sounding a little bigoted.

But obviously you can't be bigoted ... can you?

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