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Disgusting People, Wish There Was A Law To Stop Them

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trt | 11:20 Sun 13th Aug 2017 | News
251 Answers
The poor kids! :-(

I think their photo's give you a an idea what type they are, and they probably got well paid for the story!


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///If this child had been born a girl, how likely is that his parents would now be dressing him like a boy ?///
I don't think it makes any difference mikey. These 2 people would just do what they want to do and impress their views on the child.imo.
13:21 mikey. Just as likely? I don't understand your point. It is less obvious when a girl dresses as a boy anyway- they have more leeway.
Barsel - he won't know any different.
On the subject of bullying and teasing, it's not impossible that it would be rather more likely if the parents of those other children talk about it as "weird" at home. That message could easily pass on in schools.

Of course, children can be mean anyway. But if they aren't told that something unusual is to be sneered at then, at least, there's a better chance that they won't.

As to Mikey's question: girls already wear "boys' clothes" quite often these days anyway.
Mikey, your query @13.21 requires speculation about people I don't know.

My answer - I haven't a clue.
"If this child had been born a girl, how likely is that his parents would now be dressing him like a boy ? " - no idea mikey but they are a couple of attention seeking weirdos so they might choose to make him animal neutral and treat him like a dog for all I know. we have a heterosexual man living with a lesbian woman with half a ton of scrap in their boats and one has a national front tattoo so gawd knows what's going through their loaves.
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If you say you don't know, Mamya, you'll be accused of being a politician ;-)
Pixie, what they think is right? There are times when we have to conform and sending a child to school just because they like the way he/she looks is not the way. People have said this child is not being abused, but there is also mental abuse and I think that's what this is.
Jim.......the "other " kids are Is weird, that is it deviates markedly from the normal which just happens to be designated..."not weird."
Or have i missed your point?
I've been accused of a lot worse than that Pixie.x

People are so perceptive aren't they?
Jim...most females, young and old seem to wear mens clothes these days, but I can't remember the last time I saw a man in a frock !

Mamy.........I agree its hard to answer my question, but I thought it might be interesting for some to have a go !
"I can't remember the last time I saw a man in a frock !"

As a wild guess, it was about three seconds ago.

As I said, barsel, I think it's a problem, because they are lying to him. The bullying point shouldn't even have been brought up. As Jim says, it's up to parents to teach their children not to bully. Let's not start victim-blaming with children too.

///I can't remember the last time I saw a man in a frock ///

never seen

Grayson Perry CBE RA is an English artist, known mainly for his ceramic vases and cross-dressing.

ummmm ///he won't know any different./// I think he will one day.
Jim ///On the subject of bullying and teasing, it's not impossible that it would be rather more likely if the parents of those other children talk about it as "weird" at home. ///
I don't ever remember talking about 'weird' to any of my children. When you are out with your children and they pass comment about someone 'different' then you teach them.What you don't say is, 'Oh by the way, when you go to school and there is a boy in your class who wears pink underwear, please don't make fun of him.'
Jim...Mikey obviously hasn't looked at your AV :-)
Why would you? You teach them not to make fun of anyone.
I've nothing against the parents choice to do whatever they choose, but a child of 4 doesn't need variables, wouldn't have the capability to understand variables, nor should even be 'enlightened' as to anything other so young.
Lol ummm :-)

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