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Disgusting People, Wish There Was A Law To Stop Them

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trt | 11:20 Sun 13th Aug 2017 | News
251 Answers
The poor kids! :-(

I think their photo's give you a an idea what type they are, and they probably got well paid for the story!


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you can tell they are happy from a photo can you chanel5?
so these kids all had a happy life did they? Right oh!
Talbot....I think I am going to start ignoring your drivel again !
Dear God!
"As long as he's fed, loved and educated...then they are fulfilling their parental roles. "

That depends on what you mean by "love" "fed" and "educated."

My concern is how this child is going to progress in the "outside world". Where is he going to be educated, what qualifications is he likely to get and who will employ him? Who will marry him? What sort of children will they have? How will he fit into society.
It is difficult enough to educate, feed and prepare "normal" children for the outside world (as we know it), so he/she on the whims of his/her parent will have a torrid time.
OR...he may be bright, got to Harrow as a border and then on to Oxbridge, before becoming a successful neurosurgeon.
What is you guess? Where is your money going?
If you didn’t know the background, ttt, what would that photo tell you exactly?
Mikey - Talbot is right. You're opened minded about so many things but don't realise when you're closed minded and judgemental.
webbo - just to clarify something, are you saying that the parents forced the little boy into wearing girls clothes, or did they just let him choose what he wanted?

Do you think it's possible that he will soon decide that he wants to dress and identify as a boy, and at that point, all the experts on child psychology on AB can rest easy?
Ummm...then I take it that you are content that this little boy is being brought up to look like a girl ?
It's the parents' choices not the child's. That is unfair. And surely if the behaviours they want to instil in him to make him gender fluid are possible then by the same argument you can indeed make someone gay or make them straight or any other combination? That suggestion would be ridiculed on here.
Anything is possible, sqad.
"Do you think it's possible that he will soon decide that he wants to dress and identify as a boy, and at that point, all the experts on child psychology on AB can rest easy?"

One can only hope....BUT...the philosophy of his "parents" I would doubt it.
They have made their so. Look like a very pretty girl.

By trying to be gender neutral with him they are just pushing their views onto him. Let's be honest that is what all parents do. They just happen to be unconventional.

If they want him to be accepting of people regardless of their gender etc there are ways of doing that without opening up this sort of passive aggressive way of doing it.

Are you trying to establish what this child is going to be like at 25 based on a snapshot of his life at 4?

Very difficult really.

I think the biggest mistake these parents have made is allowing their story to make the papers.

Absolutely the most stupid thing they could've done. No reason for it. All they do is open themselves up for scrutiny by the masses of instant experts.
Pixie.....I agree....never say never BUT, answer my question above.........."where is your money going?"
If this child had been born a girl, how likely is that his parents would now be dressing him like a boy ?
mikey ... take a look at that dictionary.
sp..........what this child will be like at 24 years of age, will depend on the parental influence of the next 10 years.
So.......what would be your guess?
Sqad, i've no idea about his motivation or intelligence. I couldn't even guess. should have been a Politician....;-)
Yes, obviously no-one with a slightly different gender identity from what's more normal can possibly end up at Oxbridge...

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