Quizzes & Puzzles15 mins ago
I See The Notting Hill Crimathon Is In Full Swing...
217 Answers
https:/ /www.th esun.co .uk/new s/43329 11/nott ing-hil l-carni val-rem embers- grenfel l-tower -victim s-silen ce/
33 arrests already, wonderful cultural event!
33 arrests already, wonderful cultural event!
mikey... thank you again...... at last a useful reply to my posts. You are correct..... why use the word "immigrants" ...a good question, as i find it more difficult as time goes on to find a name for a group of people that doesn't upset anyone. I thought hard as to how one would describe, a no white community and that word seemed the least offensive. Oh! and...
06:19 Mon 28th Aug 2017
Still got time to overtake the V festival then.
http:// www.bir mingham mail.co .uk/wha ts-on/m usic-ni ghtlife -news/a rrests- v-festi val-wes ton-par k-13502 469
As every year for decades, the number of arrests at Notting Hill will almost certainly be LOWER than from a random sample of TWO MILLION people elsewhere in the UK (because that's how many people attend the carnival).
For a fair comparison you need to examine the number of arrests associated with around a dozen Glastonbury festivals or over 30 Arsenal home games. Crime is NEGLIGIBLE at the Notting Hill Carnival when compared to other major events.
Stop reading the effing Daily Mail (or The Sun), TTT!
For a fair comparison you need to examine the number of arrests associated with around a dozen Glastonbury festivals or over 30 Arsenal home games. Crime is NEGLIGIBLE at the Notting Hill Carnival when compared to other major events.
Stop reading the effing Daily Mail (or The Sun), TTT!
I've never seen such a display of so-called "reverence and respect". Great opportunity for a photo-shoot from clown mayor Sadiq Khan, who spoke to family members of Grenfell victims, "completely embracing the grief-stricken families" If they are so "grief-stricken" why are they making such spectacular fools of themselves at a carnival?
Good spot tonyav.
I had not idea about the V Festival, which has an attendance of a couple hundred thousand, compared to the 2 million who attend the NHC.
Now, all we need to do is wait patiently for someone to claim that the police turn a blind eye to trouble at the NHC.
Then someone else can come back with the fact that they do the same at the drugfest Glastonbury
Then we can all rest until August 2018.
Wash, rinse, repeat, wash, rinse, repeat.
But at least we have the MOBOs between now and then, featuring the classic "Why isn't there a MOWO (Music of White Origin) awards show?"
I had not idea about the V Festival, which has an attendance of a couple hundred thousand, compared to the 2 million who attend the NHC.
Now, all we need to do is wait patiently for someone to claim that the police turn a blind eye to trouble at the NHC.
Then someone else can come back with the fact that they do the same at the drugfest Glastonbury
Then we can all rest until August 2018.
Wash, rinse, repeat, wash, rinse, repeat.
But at least we have the MOBOs between now and then, featuring the classic "Why isn't there a MOWO (Music of White Origin) awards show?"
My post about the above at 12.32pm today, where I was shot down.
http:// www.the answerb ank.co. uk/News /Questi on15678 06.html
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