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Corbyn's Hat

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Khandro | 15:27 Wed 27th Sep 2017 | News
74 Answers
What happened to his 'Lenin' hat, he doesn't seem to be sporting it any more, was it a bit too unsubtle ?
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This thread is about Corbyn's hat. If you want to discuss way of not discussing important issues. diverting attention away from a very important day for the Labour Party. diversion tactic's Start your own thread and stop posting diversions to stop us discussing Corbyn's hat..
16:41 Wed 27th Sep 2017
For some strange reason Diane Abbott, almost alone among the Shadow Cabinet, didn't get a mention in Corbyn's speech. You would have thought the shadow Home Sec would have been right up there. Or not.
Jeremy's days of being right u..........no, leave it.
It never ceases to amaze me the depths (maybe shallows is more appropriate) some folk will take to discredit Corbyn. His hat? What the **** does his hat have to do with anything. Does TM wear blue knickers? Not a labour supporter by the way.
Maggiebee, //Does TM wear blue knickers? //

Ask Mikey. He might know, He knows all about her choice of jewellery, so you never can tell.
Don't know about her knickers but we know who wears the trousers.
// Does TM wear blue knickers? Not a labour supporter by the way.//

Does wee Burnie wear tartan ones? Is she really nickerless? Rather not know myself. :))
The First Minister is a great fan of the extreme control brief.
What a wonderful speech from Mr Corbyn, he has got the Blues on the run, the Con's have got the jitters and they are very , very nervous, Labour have got the Blues very very frightened . GOOD !
Togo - Who is wee Burnie - is your clue the tartan?
All this fuss over a hat!
Better get used to it, Mr Corbyn is going to be your
P/M in 2022, Enjoy.
Best answer to Tilly2. Sensible response.
Thanks, Maggie.
Lol@Douglas 19:49. :))
Khandro, //was it a bit too unsubtle ? //

Your OP, it appears, was rather too subtle. ;o)
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I can't remember; was it dark blue, charcoal grey, or black ?
Terrible when your memory goes :-)
what a load of old hat

which reminds me - this is about Corboze Lenin hat -
and he isnt wearing one because
1) he knows Lenin is dead
2) he doesnt want to end up stuffed in a mausoleum ( er like Lenin did - just to remind readers that Lenin wasnt Stalin...)
This is a funny thread and has made me smile this morning. So than you everyone.

Now back to the OP.

Maybe he has ditched the hat on the advice of his PR people.

The hat got you in, now you need to smarten up a bit lad. Put a slightly better suit on and we'll upgrade in a couple of months. Give it a year and no one will realise you have transformed yourself into the UKs answer to the president of Venezuela.

It's the suit that wins you seats, not hats.
wouldn't surprise me if he didn't start wearing it with the peak at the back to capture young voters

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