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Trump Iq Test?

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EDDIE51 | 19:59 Tue 10th Oct 2017 | News
56 Answers
President Trump has offered to take an IQ test to prove he is brighter than Tillerson
Who is your money on?


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I'm sure he'd score bigly.
There is a marked difference between being clever and being wise.
I don't know but one thing I do know is that the standard left wing approach of calling people who do not agree with the prescribed views on any given subject, "thick", is a flawed approach, who knows, trump may surprise you. Are you in Mensa? I am. From your attitude on here I'd say you probably consider yourself brighter than me but you may not be able to demonstrate it with an objective test.
IQ tests prove you can pass IQ tests, it has no bearing on fitness for political office.

Neither does academic intelligence - George W Bush has a better degree than Al Gore.
Mensans and vegans, never slow to tell. :-)
O'bam bam, then Hilary, Reg T and followed by Melania and Ivanka, the latter higher than Melania as she has baled out already - and maybe then, just maybe the Don.
Neither does academic intelligence - George W Bush has a better degree than Al Gore.

as does Nicola over Alex S or Theresa over the blessed Maggie.....
Andy, perhaps, but many go by the standard IQ test and Mensa specialise in this area. I confess though I never mention it in job interviews or on a CV. Never been able to work out if it's good or bad.
Doug, I have mentioned it only twice in all my time here and only when relevant to the discussion.
PS Andy, yes no bearing on political ability but perhaps it will shut up the left wing who think he's thick. Maybe he is thick but what if he scores High, say 130+?
Doug, I have mentioned it only twice in all my time here and only when relevant to the discussion.

I bet it is more.
I can hardly believe that a President of the United States would be having in such a childish manner such as this !
TTT - //PS Andy, yes no bearing on political ability but perhaps it will shut up the left wing who think he's thick. Maybe he is thick but what if he scores High, say 130+? //

It won't make an iota of difference.

My opinion of any politician is based on their ability to make and see through rational decisions that are good for the benefit of the people they represent. It is not swayed either way by how intelligent they are perceived to be.

I am sure I am in the majority in that view.

For example - Margaret Thatcher was clearly intelligent, she was an industrial chemist before she went into politics - but that didn't stop her being an egotistical odious human being with the empathy of a paper clip.
Mi-nervas are on test.....that's what Hilary would be saying....
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''The empathy of a paper clip'' I will remember that one for later use, thanks.
"I am sure I am in the majority in that view." - err have you read the lefties on here? Anyone not having the correct view is thick etc especially Trump and before that Bush. Probably wont make any dofference but at least they'll be able to know an actual quantifiable measure.
no doubt Trump's IQ is huge. He has the best IQ! SAD! Covfefe.
a rather brilliant one, andy, before she became demagogic, just like the Reverend Blair did in the latter part of his Presidential career, the very lady who put the extreme left back in their box and released the natural genius and capitalism of the UK in the early eighties - thank God as this country would have been completely effed up.
oh yes and TGL was indeed one of our highest scorers.
DTC...tell that to all the millions that lost their jobs.
Is 130 a high score? When I joined Mensa I was 180+ That was back in the 80s.

These days I would be a 'bit' less.

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