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Theresa May.

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gulliver1 | 09:38 Sun 12th Nov 2017 | News
47 Answers
Oh Dear Oh Dear . 40 Conservative MPs agree to sign a vote of no Confidence in Theresa May, do you think she May go?.


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I doubt that she would do that, unless she was walking away from politics altogether.
I'm frankly amazed she hasn't flung herself under a train, so that wouldn't surprise me. I don't like her, I don't like her politics, but I do pity her, she walked right into this, eyes wide shut.
Napoleon said, "Yes I know he's a good general, - but is he lucky?"
I think Teresa isn't the best person for the job, however, she tries her best, and I think she is unlucky, which exacerbates her woes.
Things like someone putting their hand on a woman's knee 20 years ago leading to a resignation, isn't her fault, but somehow they all seems to reflect onto her.
Come on guys, give the lady some support and stop carping.
What will hang round May's neck like a millstone was her decision to call the June election. Why? Because polls suggested a walkover and that she would be returned with a majority of Thatcheresque proportions. She was wrong, as were Wilson in 1970 and Heath in 1974.
Khandro....I agree that she is probably doing "her best"

The difficulty here is that her best just isn't good enough.

She has been promoted far above her abilities, as that fateful decision to call the Election this June shows.

We are facing the most important time for our country in a couple of generations, and the country, not the Tory Party, needs a resolute and capable Leader, and Theresa isn't it.

With the likelihood of at least one more important Cabinet Member having to fall on his sword at any moment, I think she should go, and let someone else have a go.

Better another Election and let the people decide for themselves.
Who would have had Boris and the out campaigner in their government TMay that's who . so let's give Europe another chance acause nobody really wanted us out did they .
All the main Parties had a policy to remain, except one rather obvious one, and that is why they all campaigned to stay.
Glad to see you recognise UKIP as a 'main' party. Nigel will be pleased.
Which Tory politician do you think could take over and inspire the government and the country to deal with Brexit in the UK's best interests ?
Mikey, //The difficulty here is that her best just isn't good enough. //

Who's 'best' do you think would be good enough?
Let me have a guess at Mikey's idea of the best, Jeremy Corbyn.
I'm wondering, danny. ;o)
Naomi....I would rather not intrude on private grief. Let the Tory Party sort out this mess, of its own making.
Haha! Not good enough, Mikey. You're quick to criticise - but not so quick when push comes to shove.
Wow, that's evasive.Maybe he doesn't think Corbyn is the best after all.
I'm thinking you could be right, Danny.
You won't bait me on this voted Tory, and you decide...its your Party, not mine.

For the record....yes, of course I think Labour and Corbyn should be in power......I thought that in 1997, and I haven't changed my mind since.
Those blinkers must be wearing out by now then Mikey,
Mikey, had Mr Corbyn won the last election, how do you think he'd have handled Mrs May's job - bearing in mind it's not the easiest right now.
Don't forget it's not a one-man show. You have to buy the full package deal. Along with Corbyn you get thrown in McDonnell, Thornberry and Abbott!

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