The States has some of the most highly educated nunbskulls that the world has ever seen. That is not saying that all Yanks are wassocks, but its easy to see where Trump and his followers came from.
I have just finished re-reading " Almost Heaven" by a British journalist, called Martin Fletcher. It concerns some travels he made a few years ago, in the Deep South, and the level of education and ignorance was breathtaking....I would urge you get a copy, if you can :::
Not really, Mikey, but that's because I tend to check important facts before I post. The unimportant I don't usually bother with so I am occasionally wrong - and when I am I've no objection to admitting it, as you can see.
Most people would prepare themselves for an interview - this guy stumbled on a basic issue. Even using logic alone, there is no way that using a 'Christian Bible' only is a sensible answer.
Wolie....The difficulty with people like this Moore spokesman, is that he professes to be a Christian, and therefore, he has only the most basic grasp of what could be defined as logical.