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Good News - Blue Passports Comming Back.

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ToraToraTora | 11:55 Fri 22nd Dec 2017 | News
81 Answers
Pity they'll not also be the old size too!


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The main thing to get in a spat when it comes to passports is not their colour or size (though I must say I liked the old blue hardback versions). The size will not change because, quite understandably, most countries adhere to a standard size so that they can be read by machine. No, the main thing which I will celebrate is the disappearance of the words...
12:21 Fri 22nd Dec 2017
You have a habit of saying things are nonsense.I haven't noticed it with the others you mention.
Danny ::::

"Who cares? What a trivial piece of nonsense"

Kromo, at 10:57.
Oh, come on.

Theresa May (or whoever writes for her) has posted the following on Twitter:

"The UK passport is an expression of our independence and sovereignty – symbolising our citizenship of a proud, great nation. That's why we have announced that the iconic #bluepassport will return after we leave the European Union in 2019."

What a load of sentimental drivel this is. There is nothing "iconic" about the blue passports, it has been drummed up out of nowhere in a few months by teary-eyed people who are obsessed with the past. And it's not even true. The colour of our passport has nothing to do with independence - as jno says, the old design was introduced by LoN and the EU does not enforce passport decorations.

This is manipulative nonsense. What a joke.
Kromo....agree 100% !
♪ there'll be bluebirds over
The white cliffs of Dover
Just you wait and see
Strangely this trivial piece of nonsense seems to be getting a few hot under the collar.
Just another reminder to the Remainers that they lost and Brexit is happening.
danny....another use of the n word ^^^^^^
n word???
Ah! it has another connotation which why I questioned it,
Of course the new passports will comply with various “shapes and sizes” regulations agreed with both the EU and other bodies. It makes sense to have a common format recognised across the world. That is not the issue. For me, the words “”European Union” at the top of the cover and the first page of UK passports are totally superfluous. There is no reason whatsoever for them to be there. The argument that they are there to enable border staff in EU countries to recognise those who need no visa is ridiculous. Border staff should be trained sufficiently so that they can recognise the entry requirements (or at least have access to a schedule of them) for each nation whose citizens they are likely to encounter.

The words were put there for one reason and one reason alone. A passport is a powerful token of citizenship and the words were embossed on passports as the first step to instilling in the peoples of Europe that they are no longer citizens of their country but instead of the EU. The next step will be to relegate the names and emblems of the individual nations to the bottom corner as a prelude to removing them entirely.

This whole issue is something that those who are happy to remain in the EU simply don’t get. They are happy to see their nation subsumed into an amorphous characterless blob occupying that bit of the map just north of Africa; they are happy to see all of the individuality of their nation gradually eroded; they are happy to be governed by unelected civil servants. It’s not about the colour or the shape of our passports. It’s about a symbolic gesture which reiterates the idea that the majority of people who voted eighteen months ago chose to leave the EU because they want no part in a European Superstate.
NJ....Of course, you are is only a "symbolic gesture"
Whilst in practical usage terms the colour isn't relevant, I'm sure all, even those who choose it deny it, know it is symbolic of the break ftom EU control, and a return to self government. It is naive to deny the importance of symbolism. We're getting a changed passport anyway, why not differentiate it from the one used commonly in the EU ?
...all together now "There'll always be an England, la di da di dahhhh"
The best and easiest “passport” will be eye/fingerprint recognition software, we carry these all the time and they’re never forgotten and you can’t fake them
Andrew ......all together now "There'll always be an England, la di da di dahhhh"

What about the other countries involved in the making of the UK?

“...all together now "There'll always be an England, la di da di dahhhh"”

Indeed there will, Andrew. And a Scotland, a Wales and a Northern Ireland too. But I don’t share quite that level of confidence when it comes to the European Union.

“NJ....Of course, you are is only a "symbolic gesture"”

Indeed it is, Mikey. But a very powerful one which I appreciate you may not understand.
♪ ♪
there'll be love and laughter
And peace ever after
When the world is free
The shepherd will tend his sheep
The valley will bloom again
And Jimmy will go to sleep
In his own little room again
there'll be bluebirds over
The white cliffs of Dover
Just you wait and see

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