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Nick Clegg Knighthood

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Khandro | 08:39 Tue 26th Dec 2017 | News
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I know mikey me old china, he rattled the establishment to it's core, that's reward enough. His place in history as our most successful politician is assured. Achieved without ever setting foot in the palace of Westminster. He's a saint already to many mikey, knocked spots of your popinjay pigmy heroes. I'll settle for that.
A disease I tell thee, a disease.
Khandro: Being half-daft, like you, is rather more concerning.
Farage will be doing pants this time next year, nick clegg won't be.
TTT....good. Then I take it we won't be hearing any more whinging from you about why he is still not been beatified ?

Khandro....not sure what on earth you are going on about regarding being Dutch ?
none mikey, I have never asked or moaned anyway. I'll let the history books honour the man when our own establishment is too embarrassed by the kicking he gave them. do nothing but moan.
says ummmm, alans in brahms again are they?

The following men have all held the post of Deputy Prime Minister:

Clement Attlee, Herbert Morrison, Anthony Eden, 'Rab' Butler, Geoffrey Howe, Michael Heseltine, John Prescott and Nick Clegg.

Atlee was knighted, Morrison became a Companion of Honour, Eden was made an Earl, Butler also became a Companions of Honour, as did Heseltine. Prescott became a Lord.

There is precedent for former Deputy PMs being ennobled in some way. Clegg, by mere dint of the fact that he served as a DPM is the reason he got knighted.
With regards to Farage - it's a difficult one.

Already, there are many who decry the Honours system when they feel that awards are given to those who do not deserve it (sports stars, musicians and actors etc), but by and large the resentment is pretty transitory, because those awarded are not controversial figures.

However, if Farage were to be awarded, with the vote for leave/remain being fairly evenly split (49/51), the message to half the country would be "You lost the vote, and just to rub it in we're going to knight the bloke who has done this to you."

I don't think that this fair on Farage, because as much as people may disagree with him, his followers and his party - he did achieve something that has fundamentally altered British politics.

However, I think the sensible thing to do is wait until we are out of the EU for a few years. If economy grows and the after effects of leaving are largely positive, then the argument against Farage being knighted will grow weaker and weaker.
A worthy recipient in my opinion. Yes, in some respects he let his supporters down when he sided with the Tories, but I'd rather it went to him than Nigel Farage, who seems to thrive on shouting people down in debate.
It's a shame that people are posting on The Answerbank as if they were sending a text message. If you can't post without using swearwords or abbreviations of the same, you are extremely immature.

It's like a kindergarten on here at times. Whatever your political persuasion, there is no need to try to belittle others. You don't make yourself big by making others look small.
It's like a kindergarten on here at times...........there is no need to try to belittle others.

Ahhhhh, the irony.
Nothing to do with irony, just making a point. It is not there to belittle anyone, merely an observation.
Of course it was electro, of course it was. Just like ‘If you can't post without using swearwords or abbreviations of the same, you are extremely immature’ was as well, eh?
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Interesting link Talbot, so it's all about his mum!
Re VB, will Brexit be hung by its very own Petain?

Sorry - back to discussing why Nigel isn't getting a knighthood :-)
what is a petain?

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