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Is It Both Racist And Homophobic For This Italian Politician To Show Concern Over The Possibility Of The White Race Being 'wiped Out'?

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anotheoldgit | 12:14 Wed 17th Jan 2018 | News
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I notice that the serial Mail bashers are out again, despite this being "reported" all over Europe. Quite right as well. There are elections due in Italy, perhaps some would rather bury such "News".
14:26 Wed 17th Jan 2018
Just pointing out that to take an opposing view to that of the hand-wringers on here can be very risky.
//‘From a black person I would expect nothing different’. That seems an odd thing to write. It almost suggests that you think that all black people think the same. I’m sure you’ll agree that’s not true by any means. //

sp1814 - i'm surprised you don't know that all black people smoke ganga , listen to / play reggae music at 1000 decibels , sport dreadlocks , eat curried goat and rice n peas .....

Not bothered Jackdaw.
Voicing concerns isn't racist - and that's what he's doing.
sp at 12.05
of course there would be racism if we all looked like Halle Berry, Lewis Hamilton, there is much racism in the black community as there is in the so called white community, blacks don't get on with Asians much, that may be a generalisation but there is a fair bit of animosity in both camps, not to mention those of light colour despising those who are darker, as repulsive as that seems, this is going my own experiences.
There's another way of looking at it, Emmie. "If we all looked like Halle Berry, Lewis Hamilton[what happened to Leona?]" then our society would be less diverse, and, as we all know that "diversity is our strength", then society would be weaker.
Quite a few less questions on AB too!
quite ^^
If you phrase it from the point of view that the 'white race' is being eliminated and taken over by 'other races', and that is a bad thing on the basis that the white race is in some way to be protected from being diluted - which is what the gentleman appears to be saying - then yes, that is racist, and xenophobic.

If you take a stance that your race is superior, which you must do if you believe that its eradication is obviously a catastrophe, then that makes you a dictionary definition racist.

The fact is, races have mixed and inter-bred as long as there have been races, and most nations have benefited from the mixes - we have, America has, Europe has, and so on.

The fixation that non-white people must be bringing something bad to the gene pool makes this gentleman a dictionary definition xenophobe.

I, and indeed none of us, will be around after a couple of generations, and I would hope that our children will be tolerente and open-minded enugh to see that trying to stop races from intermingling didn;t do the Nazis any good, for very good reason - it is a narrow-minded ignorant, deeply reprehnsible view to assume that your 'whiteness' gives you the right to prolong your race as though it's the only worthwile race on the planet.

Shame on this man, and anyone who supports his horrible views.

//blacks don't get on with Asians much, that may be a generalisation but there is a fair bit of animosity in both camps//

As a general rule, that's not actually true.

I'm only speaking as someone who grew up in Southwark and Lambeth in South London, and have extensive family and friends there.

Whenever I walked around East Lane, Coldharbour Lane, and Camberwell Grove, I didn't notice the enmity that you've seen. In fact, the opposite appears to be true.
andy-hughes, //If you take a stance that your race is superior, which you must do if you believe that its eradication is obviously a catastrophe//

Does that mean that you think Native Americans or Australian Aborigines believe their respective races are superior? They seem pretty keen on preserving their culture and heritage.

//Voicing concerns isn't racist - and that's what he's doing.//

Voicing concerns can be racist, surely?

Okay, is this racist, or merely voicing a concern:

"My daughter is about to get married to a black man. He's is heart surgeon and a PhD and his family own their own haulage company. He's a lovely bloke and has treated my daughter well. However, I don't want them to get married because I don't want my bloodline diluted with black blood, because on the whole, I hate them people and wish they would go back to Africa".

Concern or racism?

// They seem pretty keen on preserving their culture and heritage.//

And the good news for Europeans is that looking at the example of Aborigines and Native Americans, they have preserved their heritage and culture!

Hoorah, right?
sp, who said that?
Being a racial purist is racist, yes. It's also a weird fantasy.

It is homophobic (anti-gay, that is) to expect gay men to breed or raise children if they don't want to.

I'm not really sure why this is unclear.
sp //Hoorah, right? //

Absolutely! I'm with them 100%. But we're talking about Europe here so why is sauce for the goose not sauce for the gander?
Culture and heritage are by their nature amorphous things. Protecting culture is an entirely different discussion to "protecting the white race" (which is a trendy euphemism for attacking non-whites). The biggest enemy of culture at the moment isn't birth rates. It is people being unwilling to spend money or time on preserving or patronising culture because it's too "arty farty" or because it doesn't make money.
Naomi - // andy-hughes, //If you take a stance that your race is superior, which you must do if you believe that its eradication is obviously a catastrophe//

Does that mean that you think Native Americans or Australian Aborigines believe their respective races are superior? They seem pretty keen on preserving their culture and heritage. //

No it doesn't mean that I think that, and the clue is, I did not say that.

Preserving your own culture and traditions is perfectly understandable - saying that 'diluting' your race with inferred inferior races is racist.

I know you are bright enough to know the difference.

If you want to argue what I have said, please do, but I'm not going to be side-tracked into something I have not said, because I don't think it in the first place.
Krom, but Europeans are white. If an African said he was eager to preserve the black race no one would turn a hair.
Most Europeans are white, Naomi. There are plenty of non-whites who are born in Europe, raised to speak European languages and have citizenship of European countries. To all intents and purposes, that is what a "European person" is.

The reason for this is that people move, and they always have. As the old Soviet Union frequently discovered, there's only so much even totalitarian countries can do to stop people moving. It is a fact of life.

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Is It Both Racist And Homophobic For This Italian Politician To Show Concern Over The Possibility Of The White Race Being 'wiped Out'?

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