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//About the only advantage we have is that the current US administration is staffed overwhelmingly by people who are very inexperienced and (putting it bluntly) quite thick.//

Was there any need for that statement? In my book when you feel the need to start insulting people it is because you have very little else to argue with.
Yes, there was. It's a specific advantage that could benefit us.
Kromo, would you be happy being a member of the EU and not having a vote?
I mean, if it makes you feel better, then feel free to just ignore the substance of my point - which is that the "global Britain" image you described earlier is something of a fantasy.
//Kromo, would you be happy being a member of the EU and not having a vote?//

I don't understand the question, sorry.
Why do you remainers have to always talk Britain down? If it is so bad why not emigrate to the EU,
Barnier has stated that during the transition period the UK will remain a member of the EU but will not have a vote.Is that clear enough for you.
//Why do you remainers have to always talk Britain down?//

I like Britain very much. I like the culture, and I'm proud to be from a country which has contributed so much to the arts. I like the weather. I like the fact that Britons (comparatively speaking) take a genuine and more rounded interest in the history of other parts of the world as well as our own. I think the language is beautiful and versatile (and I feel very lucky to be born a native speaker of English - and not just because it is useful). There's plenty I like about Britain. I don't think any of those things should force me to lie to myself about what I think the country's position on the world stage is, though. Because as best I can make out, it's crap.

//Barnier has stated that during the transition period the UK will remain a member of the EU but will not have a vote.Is that clear enough for you.//

Yes, thanks.

I really don't have an opinion on the "transition period." It just delays the inevitable. I do think it is telling, though, that it was our government who requested it, which is a tacit acknowledgement that we cannot complete our trade negotiations by March 2019.
Can you answer my question at 13.38.Yes or no?
I really don't have an opinion on it. I don't see how it makes that much difference to our situation.
Funny, you seem to have an opinion on everything else.
//The only economy bigger than the EU's is that of the USA//

94% of Global trade is outside the EUSSR. China, India, Brazil, etc. etc. We are not allowed to trade with this other 94% without adopting the EUSSR protectionist red tape, designed to use all of Europe to protect the German and French economies. The rest if the world trades using the English language to conduct business. We are being charged handsomely by the EUSSR, to remained chained to a system that is going to fail in our lifetime, as it is left trailing in the wake of the increasingly vibrant trade being conducted everywhere else but in the pyramid scheme. When we are no longer paying for the gallows that they hope to hang us from it will collapse even more swiftly.
//Funny, you seem to have an opinion on everything else.//

I don't bother posting on the vast majority of news topics because I have nothing to say about them...
We are paying £billions a week to be restricted to free trade with 6% of World trade. The EUSSR now tells us that we are not allowed to "trade" with the other 97% of the global economy unless we want to incur sanctions! Why? What has it got to do with them who we trade with after leaving the house of cards? What are they afraid of? The EU is only a vehicle designed to satisfy the French and Germans. That is it's whole point. We are fined weekly to support the con. Perhaps they are afraid that without our involvement they will once again revert to type and be at each others throats anew. The difference this time being, that we will just let them get on with it.
//We are not allowed to trade with this other 94% without adopting the EUSSR protectionist red tape//

This rather ignores conditions on the other side. Even light-touch trade blocs like NAFTA put outside trade at a severe disadvantage - and most of them are a good deal more protectionist than that. That is central to the definition of what a trade bloc is.

That's the world we live in - one that is defined overwhelmingly by a cluster of regional trade blocs. Unless you're already an economic giant, going up against them on your own is foolhardy and unlikely to end well for you.
Kromo, we have a very healthy trad agreement with New Zealand which will continue after Brexit and we will acquire others.
//Unless you're already an economic giant,//

But we are......although hamstrung by the mental pygmies that would rather see us shackled to the failing pyramid scheme. Given a free hand without EUSSR protectionism we will be bigger still.
The EU has been making "we want you to stay" wailings since we announced our dissatisfaction with the conditions, and our intentions to leave. Whilst at the same time making secret plans to sabotage our abilities to thrive. Still we have the Remoaners willing to accept these machinations. Reminds me of the old gag. Tenant to landlord....I am giving you notice of termination of our rental agreement. I intend to move to a better area. Landlord to tenant..... oh dear that might be more expensive, what if I put your rent up? Tenant to Landlord.......good idea, in which case I will stay.
‘ Barnier has stated that during the transition period the UK will remain a member of the EU but will not have a vote‘

That was pointed out before the vote. As part of article 50 we have no seat at the table.
A very apt anecdote, Togo.

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