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Should We Boycott The World Cup?

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ToraToraTora | 13:25 Wed 14th Mar 2018 | News
57 Answers

TBH the Quartermaster has a point here, sport should not suffer for politics and going by our performances since 1990 we’ll be home soon enough anyway.


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It would only make a difference and shame Russia if most of the European teams boycott the tournament alongside us. Otherwise it would just be another empty gesture.
13:28 Wed 14th Mar 2018
No we should not boycott the world cup. We should make sure that the people who did this are prosecuted and jailed, not hit with an empty gesture.

(You’ve blown your cover Comrade jahulaye, time for the Cyanite pill).
Gromit I’m not pro bear, just pro justice for the real criminals
Yes! We won it once so frig em all. Let's stick to something we can do well(.....thinking.....) :(
I'll be back.
we will home soon enough as it is, why bother to cancel it.
One thing that worries me is will any travelling fans be safe?.It is not that long ago that ,so called Russian fans (thugs) were attacking English fans in a very brutal manner.
My guess is they’ll run a charm offensive for the fans. I suspect many of the hooligans have been hidden away. The last they want is innocent and peace loving Russia looking like a hotbed of intolerance and racism.
“One thing that worries me is will any travelling fans be safe?.It is not that long ago that ,so called Russian fans (thugs) were attacking English fans in a very brutal manner.“

Let’s hope no innocents are sucked into the vortex of football violence as I think it’s pretty obvious from history that our homegrown fans/ hooligans will be going abroad specifically for violence although I think it’s fair to say that they’ll find out quickly they’re outnumbered and outgunned and will also be treated viciously by the Russian law enforcement agencies.
What's the weather like in Moscow, Jahulaye?
“It isn’t speculation” - ichkeria



He has NONE jahulaye, do you ichkeria ?? no answer ?
They think it's all over. 1966!
7op i stopped holding my breath at 13:50:02

Hazi, what is it with the I’m pro Russian feeling here?

I’m just a person who doesn’t believe everything the media tells me and tries to avoid mass hysteria, conspiracy theories, speculation and listening to rabble rousers and spin.
"The only reasons the politicians are thinking about this is because football on the whole isn’t taxed on the whole"

How so? Don't football clubs pay any tax then?

As for safety of the fans, anybody travelling to Russia to see a football match (which will be shown live on the telly and repeated every half hour for a week) clearly needs their bumps felt
“The only reasons the politicians are thinking about this is because football on the whole isn’t taxed on the whole"

How so? Don't football clubs pay any tax then?“

Hence the “ on the whole” section of my comments.

Emmie 15.07 have to agree with you, it would save the cost of return air fare after round one. We have only ever won it once and have never stopped bragging about it!
We should never let politics get in the way of entertainment.
Don't see what good it would do.
It wouldn't shut the blooming pundits up who insist that England would win the Cup after only one match had been played.
If we do boycott the World Cup I can imagine jamie carragher spitting in disgust at this news.
We should never let entertainment get in the way of football.

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