I’d already seen a report on the BBC and again on twitter. If there’s any bizarre posts kicking about, it’s talbot’s Thinking he’s the only news source on the internet.
I don’t really know why we have to say any words at all, sp. is it not just possible to weigh events up in ones own mind and assess the impact on our daily lives?
I wouldn't say frightened (me frightened - hello)? but I do think that the drip, drip, drip of bad news via the internet can be quite depressing. Most of the stuff has nothing to do with our lives but when it is constantly beamed into our life via the media, it can have an effect on some people. It's hardly cheering, is it?
Yes, I`m very ignorant of world events Naomi. I never come out of my house and that is my life. My world extends to the end of the front garden and my family. One day I might venture as far as the local Sainsburys but don't count on it