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Oh, I'll always be laughing at Nige.
Yes, how typically British that some would ridicule the first politician in eons who had the temerity, honesty and sheer bloody-mindedness to set out to achieve his aim and subsequently succeed, 100%.
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//subsequently succeed, 100%.//
Not quite yet, but we're back on track
Well to me the divorce is done Khandro, now it’s just quibbling over The furniture, ornaments and visitation rights!
Yes, I welcome it, things not going Nigel's way must be good news :)

Let's hope he can do as well as he did last time.
I suppose, after a decent length of time has passed, he could audition to fill the sadly vacant Chuckle Brother role.
Why the childish comments in the news section. Nigel Farage is one of the most intelligent people I have encountered. Never flustered in interviews, a brilliant speaker. Grow up those calling him silly names.
Well said Mrs Farage.
Out of the mouths !
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//I suppose, after a decent length of time has passed, he could audition to fill the sadly vacant Chuckle Brother role.//

Hee-hee! Sounds like the news must be upsetting for you, but after all, what can only one man do? though, err, wait a minute....
I don’t think he harbours any thoughts on being PM. He just wants Brexit done properly and will retire again.
// yes, he's Like Cromwell returning to the Rump parliament, he left them alone for 2 years to do brexit and look what happenned?//

whever I point out the obvious - Oliver Cromwell wasnt really involved in Brexit because it hadnt happened yet

I get all sorts of squawking, ear ache and howling about a) what a fool I am and b) what a bully I am

but its troooooo its troooo Ollie never did Brexit [or not ( as mystic Meg might say ) ]
// Oh, I'll always be laughing at Nige. //
———- blimey join the club

and will he be standing as an MP, again ?

temerity, honesty and sheer bloody-mindedness - can also be applied to Aung Su Yii - you know that Burmese politician who sounds like no 36 at the local chippy and got the Nobel Peace prize
and god look at how she ended up ( complicit in muslim massacres in case anyone has forgottn )
Eg : a RAF leg-in. Should be good lol
Been busy all evening -- but I don't for a second think that Farage is honest, otherwise I wouldn't be ridiculing him. What I think he is is lucky. Lucky that he doesn't have to do anything to back up his rhetoric; lucky that so many other politicians have played into his hands; lucky that just enough people take him seriously for him to have been given a platform he barely deserves.

Actually give him responsibility and he'd fold just as quickly as anyone else, if not more so. But as long as he can pretend to have the solution without having to implement anything, I guess people will continue to lap up what he has to say.
Pe Pe le Phew....are you suggesting or inferring that Farage is going to massacre hundreds of Muslims? Even more weird, off sane, analogy than usual.
//What I think he is is lucky.// sic

“I know he's a good general, but is he lucky?”

Napolean……..the hero of the Remoaners. :))
Oh yes, a rich ex-merchant banker (remember 2008) and con-man with solely self-interest at heart - just what the country needs.

Sadly the con is working again.
Yes, very glad.
// and con-man with solely self-interest at heart - just what the country needs. //

Yep just like the thousands of EUSSR bureaucrats living high on the hog off the pyramid scheme. Perhaps that was how he sussed them out in the first place

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Nigel Farage Returns

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