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Definition Of The Word 'woman' Is Now Deemed Transphobic.

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anotheoldgit | 10:37 Sun 30th Sep 2018 | News
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Avatar Image naomi24

Jim, you haven’t answered my question. If these people are confused enough to believe they women, and the rest of society is supposed to accept that, where does that leave me?

Additionally, you can father a child. I can’t – and I can’t because I’m a woman. Likewise I can become pregnant and give birth to a child. You can't - because you're a man. The whole thing is utterly absurd.

13:52 Sun 30th Sep 2018

Sounds like an entirely "end off" statement.

Sorry Naomi but that absolutely succinct.
I am not ignorant I have A level biology, I know about XXY, XYY and XX "men" - they are rare, I refer to vast majority in these discussions and XX = woman XY =man. There have always been "butch" women and "effeminate" men only lately have we felt the need to get hysterical about it.
The term “gender role” appeared in print first in 1955. The term “gender identity” was used in a press release, November 21, 1966, to announce the new clinic for transsexuals at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. It was disseminated in the media worldwide, and soon entered the vernacular.
Over 50 years of the term. It’s not new but it has only recently come to the fore. What appears strange to the outgoing generation becomes the norm for future ones. It has all ways been so.
Once again, though, Naomi and SK, all you are doing is confusing sex with gender. How society sees you is determined by rather more than possession or absence of a uterus.

Biological features, genetic make-up, etc, do play a large role in determining one's identity -- there's no point in pretending the two aren't highly correlated, because they clearly are -- but they are absolutely not the sole determinant. In the long run, it's up to you both to actually research this, because the evidence to support that is out there. I've suggested one topic, for example, that you would stand to learn a lot, one way or the other, from taking seriously and reading into.

I venture to suggest that it says a lot about SparklyKid that not only can you not be bothered, but that you also have to dismiss a cultural tradition that goes back millennia in order to justify your opinion.

Hardly matters, JD -- I'm of the modern world, which has its advantages in this case.

N, I flatter myself, but I understand my state of mind rather better than you do. I'm not confused by any of this. As long as you mix up sex and gender, as does TTT, then... well, I don't want to do the "no, YOU" thing, but that's the gist of it. Continually referring to biology when that's not the issue is a mistake that comes from (possibly deliberately, as was the case with the billboard ) confusing two separate issues of a person's identity.

Jim, //How society sees you is determined by rather more than possession or absence of a uterus. //

In your confused society perhaps. Modified men aren't women.

Any chance of answering my question?
jim, do you have a vested interest in this?

I venture to suggest that it says a lot about SparklyKid that not only can you not be bothered, but that you also have to dismiss a cultural tradition that goes back millennia in order to justify your opinion.
I have no idea what that claptrap means.

All these it seems I have been delusional, I always thought girls were different to me and I liked them.

I am off now before Jim explains why I cannotself identify as a Cocker Spaniel, there must be a tribe in the world somewhere with the same aspirations.
I'm a g-nu
How do you do?
Was that the question about where all this leave you, N?

In that case, sorry, I was not meaning to deliberately avoid it. As far as I'm concerned, it leaves you exactly where you were before.

It's quite simple, Sparkly: the fact that other societies and cultures have historically recognised more than two genders is all the proof you need to see that gender is a societal phenomenon, not a biological one.
Avatar Image jim360

Was that the question about where all this leave you, N?

In that case, sorry, I was not meaning to deliberately avoid it. As far as I'm concerned, it leaves you exactly where you were before.

It's quite simple, Sparkly: the fact that other societies and cultures have historically recognised more than two genders is all the proof you need to see that gender is a societal phenomenon, not a biological one.

14:05 Sun 30th Sep 2018

More meaningless garbage.

Societies views don't mean a carrot. A gynaecologist might have a more intelligent viewpoint.
I'm still a g-nu
A g-nother g-nu (self-identifying)
Whatever, SK. You're simply wrong, no matter how much you spout off. Luckily, society is catching up with this.
With you all the way Jackdaw, are you male or female or one of the dozens of genders available.
Jim, //As far as I'm concerned, it leaves you exactly where you were before. //

But not as far as I'm concerned. When a bloke in a frock tells me that he's identical to me, and that if I dare refer to him as 'he' instead of 'she' I'll get a slap, as you told me would happen, something is very wrong. He has a problem - but it's his problem - not mine.
Avatar Image jim360

Whatever, SK. You're simply wrong, no matter how much you spout off. Luckily, society is catching up with this.

14:10 Sun 30th Sep 2018

When a male with a fully functioning penis gives birth to a baby I shall apologise. Or a female with a uterus impregnating another female.

This is just a ridiculous back and forth nonsense. Bye.
Got to go out now. I'll look in later if I have time.
if trannies menstruated they wouldnt sit man-spread
With your avatar Tambo that made me chortle, thank you :-)
Sparkly, I was born a male human but I now self-identify as a lesbian black one-legged hunchbacked g-nu. Got to keep up with the times, you know.

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