Women fight for equality of jobs, and pay, but that goes on all levels not just the top. If 5 women need to be in a board of directors for every 5 men, then why not the same for binmen? People only want equality when they think it will benefit them.
Then what about insurance? Surely it's sexist for female drivers to pay less for insurance? Even though statistics prove they're better younger drivers?
Anthropology has led us to where we are. Stereotypes are spawned from anthropology so in reality, it's just people emotions going up in arms. Yes one woman may be better for a specific job position that one man but at the end of the day to say the man has a bigger salery because he is a man is assumption. It's not a fact is it?
Massive palava in my opinion. I believe in equity but i don't believe in having a paddy and making someone seem sexist to bully your way into a job position. Times are changing and people are getting upset and acting like they're not.