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How Much Time Has Tommy Robinson Spent In Prison?

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sandyRoe | 09:34 Fri 23rd Nov 2018 | News
171 Answers
He's been appointed by UKIP as an advisor on 'grooming gangs and prisons'


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Many people who are not "fanatics", are opposed to the mass immigration of Muslims into the UK and Europe; I could make a list perhaps starting with Douglas Murray, Hamad Abdel-Samad etc. etc.(not to mention Khandro)
Yeah but the fact is, he is. So he should NOT be in politics. Authors and scientists can do what they please.

Do you know what politics even means?
He should have no say over anything political. He is a hooligan.
spath, //Am i wrong? //

Yes, you are. He did co-found the English defence League but has long since distanced himself from that. What have you been watching?
spath, why do you object to the truth?
What have i said that is wrong?
I don't, i just object to Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon and his extremist qualities.
spath, Why do you object? What has he said that's wrong?
//The fact that even Nigel Farage is opposed to Gerald Batten’s leadership shows how far...//

... how ignorant Brexit hero "our Nige" is of Islam. As are otherwise right-thinking people like Julia Hartley-Brewer.

The generally well-informed poster I'm quoting is as ignorant of Islam as they. Should do some research.
Naomi you are all for people answering questions posed.. So answer mine, and i'll save you waiting for my response, cus i'm not responding to your questions, because they are moot.
spath, I've answered your questions. My questions aren't 'moot' - they're uncomfortable for you.
Question to Ichkeria: Is there something I don't know, or haven't considered (about Islam)? Ought I check it out?
No, they are moot. I've watched many things, and read many things, so i'm not going to collect all my material for you to pompously glide over. My opinions on tommy robinson have formed over the years from various interviews, documentarys, panel shows and news articles.
(Has Tommy Robinson spent more time in prison than Spathiphyllium has doing his job as a gardener?)
spath, I should give up now if I were you.
Hey, Spath. Do ypou know what moot means?
Spath, may I ask- are you and your views bigoted and racist? What has Tommy Robinson done to offend you, exactly? Are you against white men who speak their minds?
no i'm against privileged criminals starting extremist groups trying to exile immigrants of a specific religion, and i'm especially against those people having any political say.
Crikey, Naz gets some support on AB.
The notion of 'Tommy Robinson' becoming an 'advisor' on grooming gangs and prisons is parallel to me becoming an 'advisor' to the International Opticians Association - because I wear glasses!

An experience of anything does not automatically qualify anyone to advise on it in any meaningful way.

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