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How Much Time Has Tommy Robinson Spent In Prison?

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sandyRoe | 09:34 Fri 23rd Nov 2018 | News
171 Answers
He's been appointed by UKIP as an advisor on 'grooming gangs and prisons'


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AH it is a wind up everyone is genuinely deluded maybe i just am, maybe we are but i'm fully with you, and out points are clear as day for why. Anyone against those should talk to Kate Silverton (she left strictly like last week) about brexit because she has experience leaving things.

Smack me in the badger and call me a fruit loop
//Unless you believe his prison 'experience' is useful? //

I believe his prison experience is extremely useful.
Yes, how to get to prison on more than a couple of occasions. Very good quality to have in politics.
naomi - // //Unless you believe his prison 'experience' is useful? //

I believe his prison experience is extremely useful. //

In that case, I'd better get onto the British Dental Association - if all we need is the 'experience' of something to qualify us to advise on it, then there is a job waiting for me!
I'll tell my Dad being in prison is a desirable quality in a politician, he'll be delighted, he'd love to have a crack at being the Prime Minister I'm sure :/
andy-hughes, you'd fail.
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There are quite a number of NI politicians who have porridge on their CVs
Naomi - // andy-hughes, you'd fail. //

Why? I've had the experience, that apparently qualifies me to advise about it - I see success all the way!!!
No surprise there, andy-hughes. ;o)
I know Sandy, I know, It was actually one of the ultimatums my mother gave him when they got together- he didn't go into NI Politics :/
sandyRoe - //There are quite a number of NI politicians who have porridge on their CVs //

Serves them right - Nanny would always tell us off if we tried to read at the breakfast table - and that is obviously why!
Why the title and 'appointment'? why shouldn't UKIP, or anyone else for that matter, simply ask him for information and maybe advice if they need it?
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Would UKIP be in the news today if they'd done that?
I should imagine UKIP had a tick list and he was the best of their choices to fill the role - perhaps they deserve each other.

I don't know.

Andy - 'Root Canal'.
If he was appointed would we use his real name or his wind up stage name?
Khandro - // Why the title and 'appointment'? why shouldn't UKIP, or anyone else for that matter, simply ask him for information and maybe advice if they need it? //

Because, much as 'Tommy' loves to believe that he has anything at all useful to contribute to society, the sticking point is his frequently evidenced love of money - you can have 'Tommy's advice, but you will have to pay for it!
spath - // If he was appointed would we use his real name or his wind up stage name? //

Would anyone care?
Xeno McXenophile?
Mamya - // Andy - 'Root Canal'. //

Indeed - brain ahead of fingers - again!!!
Andy-hughes, //Because, much as 'Tommy' loves to believe that he has anything at all useful to contribute to society//

You don’t think exposing filthy grooming gangs is a useful contribution to society? Really?

As for money, you might work for free … but I don’t.

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