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How Much Time Has Tommy Robinson Spent In Prison?

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sandyRoe | 09:34 Fri 23rd Nov 2018 | News
171 Answers
He's been appointed by UKIP as an advisor on 'grooming gangs and prisons'


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^ :o)
Spath , for Gods sake let her have the last word.
Haha! Keep up Gulliver, dear, there's a good chap. My post wasn't in response to anything spath said. ;o)
Naomi - // ^ :o) //

Does that mean you are just amused, or do you actually agree with my point?
It means I'm amused, andy-hughes.
"Question to Ichkeria: Is there something I don't know, or haven't considered (about Islam)? Ought I check it out? "

Er, I don't know! You might be best placed to answer that yourself.
why should he advise, makes some good points in this video
I suspect there are a fair few MP's with convictions if truth be told. Interestingly it appears that FOI requests are not complied with - just waffle given.

However TR is not an MP he is simply there to advise. Like Sir Nigel I dont think it is a good idea but as we live in a free country (at the moment) then whats the problem. If you dont like what he says then stay ignorant and dont listen. But if you dont listen then dont try to argue.
/// An experience of anything does not automatically qualify anyone to advise on it in any meaningful
way. ///

One of the most ridiculous statements I have ever seen.

What's the point in anyone studying to gain an experience in a particular subject, if later they can not advise on it?

/// Do you know what politics even means? ///

Seriously Spath, do you?
Whilst we are at it, lets make rolf harris adviser for children's affairs.
Clever move. 3D Chess.
spath, Whilst we are at it, lets make rolf harris adviser for children's affairs. while your at it, let's make anjem chowderhead, run the home office.
Well if they have experiences....

(eyes roll so hard my optic nerve snaps)
AOG - // andy-hughes
/// An experience of anything does not automatically qualify anyone to advise on it in any meaningful
way. ///

One of the most ridiculous statements I have ever seen.

What's the point in anyone studying to gain an experience in a particular subject, if later they can not advise on it? //

You don't 'study to gain an experience' - you can study to learn about a subject, or you can have an experience related to the subject, but they are not one and the same.

If I studied ophthalmology, I may (but it's not garmented) be qualified to advise on it.

That is study.

If I have been to the opticians to have glasses fitted, and I have, that is an experience, and does not qualify me to advise on anything, except my experience.

Tommy Robinson's being in prison (several times) makes him an ex-prisoner, it does not qualify him as an advisor, which was my point, and not at all ridiculous, I am sure you will agree now I have explained it.
For 'garmented' - please read 'guaranteed' - pesky text correction!!!
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Crikey, Naz gets some support on AB.

10:15 Fri 23rd Nov 20

Naz ??, is this a blast from the past ?
Naz Shah
Perfect man for the job. Rock on Tommy !
hereIam - // Perfect man for the job. Rock on Tommy ! //

Really? Can you explain why?

I really think he is going to need rather more than having set up a band of nasty football thugs to gather in large numbers on a Saturday afternoon and parade their self-righteousness and make a lot of stupid noise.

Unless you believe his prison 'experience' is useful?

As I have explained to AOG - experiencing something does not equate to being able to advise about it.

I've had route canal surgery, it was an experience, but I couldn't 'advise' a political party about it - except to say, don't go looking on the Internet about it!!

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