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Brexit Voters Believe Barmy Things

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bainbrig | 19:06 Fri 23rd Nov 2018 | News
65 Answers

Official survey shows that Leave voters far more likely to believe in the daftest conspiracy theories (like an Islamic conspiracy to take over Europe!)



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There is nothing any of us can do that the remoaners won't just bat awy as above. This is just another angle on the whole "brexiteers must be thick" - tack. Perhaps BB you can explain why you'd prefer to be ruled by a corrupt foriegn power. That never seems to get an answer.
It never gets an answer because it's a loaded question that doesn't deserve one.
Funny how all the difficult questions are 'loaded'. ;o)
Being in the EU isn't about being "ruled", and as foreign powers go it's not even that corrupt either.

So, yes, it's a clearly loaded question.
-- answer removed --
Corrupt is Russia. Corrupt is China. Corrupt is North Korea, or Venezuela, or various African governments, especially in the earlier eras of Mugabe and the like. The EU is amateur-level compared to that lot. So yes, I am being serious. Maybe instead of laughing you could actually be constructive and contribute for a change.
Does anyone have a copy of the last EUSSR fiscal audit? Signed and verified by a recognised Chartered Accountant.
Meanwhile as Paris burn the riots spread north to Charleroi Belgium. Bless.
I wasn't aware that I'd broken any rule but I'll try again.

Jim, 'Not even that corrupt'? Is a little bit corrupt acceptable then? How much 'corrupt' is acceptable?

Me, contribute? Of course I contribute - but perhaps you consider anything that disagrees with you unworthy as a contribution.
Weird -- But you're wrong. It's not about disagreement. Disagreement is normal, especially on AB when I'm clearly an outlier in my views. No. What's wrong, what's unhealthy, is blatant mocking and a point-blank refusal even to pretend to take someone seriously. That's just rude.
Jim, call me old fashioned but I find it impossible to take seriously anyone who considers corruption in any shape or form to be acceptable. I had hoped you weren't serious - but clearly you were.
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The EU isn’t corrupt by any normal 21st century standards.

That Euro MPs are on a jolly gravy train is undeniable, but since their pocket-lining is no more than happens in the UK, or the US, or in most major British money-grabbing boardrooms, I can’t see any ‘principled’ objection from the self-proclaimed supporters of capitalism (grab all you can and devil take the hindmost), I can’t understand your stance.

In point of fact, no: I do not accept corruption. I just think that there are more accurate ways of describing the EU than as some sort of "corrupt foreign power".
Not corrupt enough to be worth bothering with.? Even the EUSSR obsessed Beep Beep See thinks otherwise. This was a little while back. No doubt it is even worse now.
If you have the patience coupled with a basic grasp of language this also is most enlightening.
Togo, WHY do you insist on saying Beep Beep See and EUSSR etc- I could listen to your opinions, perhaps even agree with some of them, if I wasn't eating my own knees in frustration about you being determined to sound such a male appendage with such juveneilia. Whyever do you do it?
Kvalidir //Whyever do you do it?//
Asked many times bur never answered.
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Apparently Churchill (no, nothing against him, on the contrary) used to make up things, too, on the basis that he wanted to get his points across and win the war, and bugg@r the inconvenient truths.

So maybe Togo has a Churchillian complex (and no, Togo, it ain't doing it for me).

"In March 2016 the European Parliament published a larger independent study that revealed corruption was a hairs width away from €1trillion euros. In an economy of €14.3trillion it confirmed that 14 per cent of the entire GDP of the EU was bathing in corruption.
In Brussels alone there are now over 30,000 corporate lobbyists, shadowy agitators as The Guardian puts it, which are responsible for influencing three quarters of legislation in the EU."

“In the complex world of public policy-making, it is desirable for public administrations to engage in a continuous dialogue with outside stakeholders. All interested parties should be able to have their say, but this should be done in a transparent way. As lobbying activities can raise risks of corruption and regulatory capture, it is desirable to have mechanisms in place to frame such activities, be it through legislation or a voluntary registration of lobbyists”.

"It’s a pity then that the EU Commissioners, decided to reject its own guidance in practice."

Haha even the Brussels times thinks that corruption is rife.

""The Brussels Times pulls no punches with its findings as it concludes;
“EU budget fraud has historically taken a wide range of forms, from farmers seeking payments for climatically impossible sugar cane cultivation to the channeling of funds for immigration projects to what some have labeled terrorist groups. Successive scandals have surfaced that have led to an impression among the public that there is an unwillingness or inability to take action against malpractice, fraud and corruption, which undermines public support for the EU.”

Barmy things?? Haha.
...and he has the hide of a Rhino... :/

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