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This Is The Man We Need More Than Ever.

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SparklyKid | 12:35 Wed 16th Jan 2019 | News
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100%. The only man who has what it takes.
12:37 Wed 16th Jan 2019
TBF though considering TM failed the vote last night, normally they PM would resign and we'd have a general election.
“Normally” a PM resigning would not lead to a general election.
As these are not “normal” times in effect I think if Theresa May went the government would fall apart.
It was interesting that before the vote two of her anti deal opponents Dominic Raab and David Davis assured her she should stay on as leader.
I’ll bet they did.
I never liked the Proclaimers but you can’t blame everything on them
They're 500 miles away
What this proclaimer

Just trying to lighten it a bit
It's LOSE by yhe way,spath,not LOOSE.
The man who got his daughters German passports so they kept the freedom of movement in Europe after Brexit. Yes, we could do with another self-seeker in charge NOT.

Surprising how "the gift of the gab" cons so many people.
I suggest those who think they voted in ignorance do the decent thing and state that they only speak for themselves. I was not ignorant of anything that was important to my decision, and suspect the majority of voters are the same. Decades of sinking deeper into the unelected control of a foreign elite power group, as inadequate PM after inadequate PM signed up to pass over more control from Westminster, was sufficient to make the rational decision in the referendum.
Nigel Farage doesn’t even have a political party.
Assuming it wasn’t a joke, I’m wondering what exactly it is about him that we need.
With Tim Martin as his deputy. And David Icke as minister for Lizards ;-)
Yes you were. You were ignorant of the process it would take to achieve leave, and how. If not then you knew more than the PM.
Normally a government isn't trying to get consensus from a cross party divided house. Agreeing to any carp just to get an agreement of some sort to present seems a naive move. Little chance of agreement anyway without coming up with something that fell between two stools and only pleased PM sycophants. Still, may be a good thing if it leads to a no-deal; which as we all know, is better than a bad deal.
No, I did not ! If you think you did, then fine, but leave ME out of it ..
That was utterly irrelevant to the decision. You are failing to support your wild claim.
"That was utterly irrelevant to the decision."

I never stated the ignorance was specifically relevant to the decision.

I said, everyone voted from a ignorant perspective, and it was an ignorant perspective to the one we have now.
I wasn't saying leavers were ignorant or remainers were ignorant. I'm saying we all were. Because it's true.

hindsight is powerful thing.
He's waffling again !
Farage gets my vote.
Two fingers to the EU.
No i'm not. I'm talking about a comment made on page one.

Next time HereIAm, i'll come to you for your political prophecys.
That definition is so broad it renders the claim meaningless. You're right, I'm ignorant of how to combine quantum theory and relativity. And I've no idea how to stop time. I don't even know my death date. All highly relevant I'm sure.

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