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Where's Jezza?

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ToraToraTora | 09:09 Thu 17th Jan 2019 | News
114 Answers
He's been wanting to get involved for years, now he gets the invite he's done a runner!


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As has been said on here in previous posts we need a consensus of opinion to get this legislation through parliament.The problem is that there are so many different views it is difficult to see what proposal there can be that will be suitable to a majority of M.P.'s and also to the E.U..A second referendum would delay things further and could lead to a " best of three" scenario.As for Jeremy Corbyn, all this suits him fine as the possibilty of a no deal scenario could bring about the General Election he craves and then what.
Has Naomi left the thread ?
I'm here anneasquith.
Maybe cast your eye over my post at 10 .30 am thanks .
I did.
he doesn't believe May plans to follow her own advice to put aside personal and party interests. Neither do I. No reason why he should get involved in the Brexit mess, it's a Tory affair from start to "finish".
Found him . He's in Hastings .
Jno, //it's a Tory affair from start to "finish". //

That’s not entirely true. Whilst Mrs May is without doubt responsible for the debacle of the negotiations, the house voted overwhelmingly to trigger A50 – Corbyn included - and most of them want a deal rather than a No Deal. As leader of the opposition he should accept the invitation. Anything less leaves Labour unrepresented at these discussions - and frankly, I can't see how Labour supporters can be happy with that - even though they say they are.
I can understand Corbyn's reticence. The elephant in the room is that there's no "good" outcome for Brexit from where we are at the moment and just about everyone in parliament knows it. It's come down to a choice between economic catastrophe on the one hand or further political turmoil on the other. It's difficult to see how any 'fresh ideas' that can solve that. The govt has backed itself into an unwinnable situation and is trying to pull the opposition into a mess it created so that they can share the responsibility.
It's not about labour supporters or tory supporters anymore really is it. Evident by may asking people for suggestions / talks

It's about remain, and leave. Deal or No deal.

We all know both parties are conflicted within themselves.
Out looking where he left his bottle?
naomi, my comment went back well before May: the Tories have always been split over Europe, Labour much less so; Camerion called the referendum in hopes of uniting the party and fending off Ukip.

It seems clear most MPs don't want a no-deal, but while that's still on the table I can see why Corbyn doesn't want to be put into a position where any such outcome has his fingerprints on it. Given that the actual issue of Brexit has never been party-political (both parties have been split on it), it's not necessarily the case that Labour supporters will be unhappy: some will be, some won't. But it is never the opposition's job to help the government sort out its own mess.
Jno, any politician who refuses to support the result of the ‘Leave’ vote is culpable for the mess – and that includes Corbyn who refuses to talk unless ‘No Deal’ is off the agenda. Leavers voted to Leave.
any politician who refuses to support the result of the Leave vote is culpable

nope. Corbyn has done *nothing* to create the mess. At no stage has he been in power. Blame the people who were.
Jno. I do blame the people in power - Mrs May in particular – I make no bones about that - but those who were charged to vote on A50 had a responsibility to honour the result of the referendum – which most of them, Corbyn included, had no intention of doing. Clearly like the rest of the he still has no intention of doing that. A man of the people? Really? He has nothing to be proud of.
If Mrs May is publishing her new brexit plan on Monday it doesn’t give much time for constructive discussions
jno // it's a Tory affair from start to "finish//
No it isn't, it is parliament's affair and that includes Corbyn.
//Blame the people who were.//

Then blame them that voted for the gov we have... Corbyn is definitely quite far down the blame list imo
i dont think corbyn cares about any of it, except to get the keys to number 10, what an odious 1970's throwback he is.
steg, //Then blame them that voted for the gov we have...//

Had Corbyn been PM and responsible for negotiations, we would still have ended up with a deal that no one wants. He doesn't want 'No Deal'. Party politics isn't the issue here.

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