pixie - // If it's legal, it isn't a crime, Andy... I have to agree with Naomi here. No need for torture and revenge, just get rid. I never used to agree with capital punishment, but in a few certain cases, it does seem the only civilised thing to do. //
You are right, and I am merely chain-pulling for my own amusement here.
I don't expect to change people's perception to mine, anymore than they would expect me to change to theirs.
But let's for a moment consider just who is to carry out the executions.
It is the natural stance of the outrageously self-righteous to claim that they would be at the front of the queue if the executioner's post became vacant, but I seriously doubt it.
I believe that to take another human's life outwith mental disturbance is a seriously difficult thing to do - but those who advocate such action would need to be able to carry out the task, or else be a hypocrite who hands on the task to another.
Merely a viewpoint, as I say, I am not looking to change viewpoints here, or indeed to have mine changed.