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Deskdiary | 19:07 Thu 11th Apr 2019 | News
327 Answers
For the first time in my life I've used LOL.

Come on....even the most achingly right-on amongst us on AB, and there's loads, must find this LOL. I more than LOL'd, I bloody roared with laughter. He was wearing an Ann Summers Mrs Clause outfit fer christ's sake.

What the hell is somebody who is clearly a bloke doing pouting like that?

Am I wrong to find this hilarious?



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It isn't about that, spath. If it was, an operation (which 80%) don't bother with... and hormones would be enough. As you can see, it is not about changing their bodies alone, it is more about how other people treat them. Otherwise, calling a him a he, wouldn't matter.
If they are now big, they are big. That is not the same as a man wearing make-up and claiming he is now a woman.
I think if they have female hormones floating around them in excess amounts they have a right to be catered to as females regardless of operation.
That would be an ideal Pixie, people should be free to be whoever they wish to be without society sticking it's oar in, but why the offence at pronouns, as a woman I genuinely don't understand why some women are so militant about trans people not using the pronoun 'she'?
I'm a woman and it damages me not at all if the person previously known as Eric suddenly wants to become Erica and use she, so why does it upset you so much?
"If they are now big, they are big. That is not the same as a man wearing make-up and claiming he is now a woman."

If they are now a woman, then they are a woman.
Calico, you'll see Naomi on ealier pages claim men trying to be women is stealing her identity. Maybe many women feel this way?
Or maybe they don't...spath :)
Sorry.. Hijacked. Men are hijacking females identities
It isn't just about hormones spath. Men are different biologically, emotionally, psychologically, physiologically... and DNA. Every cell in your body is male. There is no way of changing everything. If we had all been born the opposite sex, we wouldn't be us with different parts, we would be someone else entirely.
Yeah i don't think they would.. 50 % of the population are Male 50% are female so if a man becoming female is hijacking identity that would mean there are only two identities, a male one and a female one. This implies that they can never be the same either.
They aren't "now a woman"! Do we need to go through DNA tests again, my love? X
Pixie this is about how a nurse refers to a trans woman. Nothing more. It's called basic respect.
The nurse should have tested this persons DNA then before her prejudice "eurghh".
Pixie----- I agree .
It is just untruthful, cal, nothing even to do with transgender. I hate deception and lies no matter who they are from. Our language belongs to all of us and so does truth. We have a right to a say before that gets hijacked as well.
And yes, spath. These people are generally claiming to identify as women- while actually proving they don't.

If I wiped some black shoe polish over my face and showed a black person every stereotype I had ever seen... would that be fine for you to accept I really am black?
I don't understand why people are so hung up on biology relating to actual genetic sex at birth and gender identity which is an entirely different thing. If someone identifies as female- how does that harm anyone else? Doesn't matter how physically male they are, it still doesn't hurt people to respect their gender identity.
Spath, I am not condoning the "eeuurgh" or whatever she said, at all.
Thanks Andres x
"Spath, I am not condoning the "eeuurgh" or whatever she said, at all."

In my opinion, by implying people shouldn't have to lie by calling her "she" then you're condoning the Nurses response to be truthful about how she feels about the situation.

You either show respect, or you're honest but i mean hopefully you can be both. Calling a transwoman she is showing respect, calling them he because you don't want to lie (as you put it) is rude.
you're saying.. why should the nurse have to lie?

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