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Deskdiary | 19:07 Thu 11th Apr 2019 | News
327 Answers
For the first time in my life I've used LOL.

Come on....even the most achingly right-on amongst us on AB, and there's loads, must find this LOL. I more than LOL'd, I bloody roared with laughter. He was wearing an Ann Summers Mrs Clause outfit fer christ's sake.

What the hell is somebody who is clearly a bloke doing pouting like that?

Am I wrong to find this hilarious?



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^^and I was merely pointing out how on earth could anyone spell the exclamation eeuuuurghhh or whatever was allegedly uttered!!That's the bit I found hilarious.
Yes they are different, cal. And that should be absolutely fine if they are. Imo, that is what we need to be aiming for.
As far as identity goes, I agree with naomi. If a Male is now a "woman" then I want a word for those of is who actually are. For all sorts of reasons.
Things are segregated by sex (not gender) often... toilets, meetings, clubs, changing rooms, sports, etc. Etc etc. All due to privacy, safety, comfort, competition, fairness and so on. Women fought very hard for those, even public toilets was a massive achievement.
Are we really willing to hand all those hard-won rights back to any man who wants them?
I feel that's implying "any man" would become trans to take those 'rights' away from you or to gain access to changing rooms and toilets for perverse reasons.
Spath, a professional should be professional and polite. I'm not only referring to the nurse. Clearly, she should have been prewarned... but that does kind of show that all the will in the world will not turn a man into a woman, if people need to be prepared to fake a response
You are coming across as slightly transphobic. You would be horrified to discover a transwoman in your changing rooms and feel they have stolen your hand-won rights from you?
I have not implied that at all, spath. Some will... and have. Men are getting into women's refugees and attacking their exes, by claiming to be women. They are cheating women out of sports. Some will take advantage of it of course. This is the reason why we are legally allowed to keep them out in the first place.
Not every man, I am not saying that.
they're not trans then are they, they are liars for an agenda. We can't start getting into the realms of that.
Transphobic is the wrong word. I am on their side and want them to be treated better and more honestly than this.
If I was in a public toilet and a man walked in, my first reaction would be fear. Even if he was wearing a dress. Any man genuinely identifying as a woman would understand that, and just would not do it in the first place.
Them damn trans trying to take my liberties!
If the rules change, they change for everyone- genuine or not.
Not fan of shared changing rooms then?
what about shared swimming baths etc?
you talk as if men are a daily threat to women.
I think you are deliberately misunderstanding now. Try seeing it from our point of view for a moment.
I can easily.. How i imagine it is, a transman coming into the male toilets / changing rooms.

I'd have zero issue.
They are a daily threat! Have you lived in a cave or something? You are speaking from the blissful ignorance of a man who doesn't apparently get intimidated or hassled by other men very often.
boy oh boy. I'm starting to see the issue with equality and feminism ideologies. How can anything be equal opportunity when we have these kind of prejudices?
Exactly my point, spath. A woman is unlikely to harm a group of men by herself. Women don't necessarily feel safe or comfortable when cornered by a strange man. Even if he does absolutely nothing wrong, you don't know that at the time.
I'm also talking from the point of view of a man who would never harass or intimidate a female. There are many men like me also.
Look up the statistics on male attacks on females and female attacks on males... and see whether it is prejudice or fact.

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