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Deskdiary | 19:07 Thu 11th Apr 2019 | News
327 Answers
For the first time in my life I've used LOL.

Come on....even the most achingly right-on amongst us on AB, and there's loads, must find this LOL. I more than LOL'd, I bloody roared with laughter. He was wearing an Ann Summers Mrs Clause outfit fer christ's sake.

What the hell is somebody who is clearly a bloke doing pouting like that?

Am I wrong to find this hilarious?



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I think if you have an opinion or discussion then you have an opinion or discussion. Gender does not matter.

For example, if i asked a question about the female menstruation cycle the last thing i would want or need is people saying "but ur a male". Why does it matter?
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Isn't "other" rather dismissive.

I think AB should do the right thing and list every single one of the gazillion other genders that we're told to believe there are.
Some may see it as dismissive but in reality it's giving the two most common option then the option of "other"

It certainly is the minority i'm sure no one would argue with that.
Maybe AB should just give a field to fill in with whatever people like.
No I'm not suggesting that men can't have knowledge of things like menstruation or miscarriages or childbirth Spath, but women will have possibly actually experienced as a woman some of things being discussed, and no offence at all, I would at the time rather have had the input of other women who had miscarried than a guy consulting Google. Likewise I can see if it was a man asking things about some male based issues it would be preferable to have a man with personal experience. It doesn't diminish the other sexes inputs just makes it easier to relate to what someone is saying if you know their gender. No hate involved x
Yes, Spath, but if a female was asking for advice on such a subject then maybe she'd rather hear from people who might have experienced it.

Saying my GF suffers...doesn't mean you've experienced it.
I think the options:

Cis Female
Cis Male
Cis Man
Cis Woman
Cisgender Female
Cisgender Male
Cisgender Man
Cisgender Woman
Female to Male
Gender Fluid
Gender Nonconforming
Gender Questioning
Gender Variant
Male to Female
Trans Female
Trans* Female
Trans Male
Trans* Male
Trans Man
Trans* Man
Trans Person
Trans* Person
Trans Woman
Trans* Woman
Transgender Female
Transgender Male
Transgender Man
Transgender Person
Transgender Woman
Transsexual Female
Transsexual Male
Transsexual Man
Transsexual Person
Transsexual Woman

Would be OTT.
"Yes, Spath, but if a female was asking for advice on such a subject then maybe she'd rather hear from people who might have experienced it. "

Then i'm sure there are many all female forums available for females with womanly problems to get help. Or, a doctor?
I'm not willing to join another site when this one works perfectly well. And you don't go to a doctor with periods pains!
why are you being specific to period pains? Is that the only issues females get that males don't?
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I note from the list Spath has posted the option of 'Male' or 'Female' is not provided, unless the utterly ridiculous 'Cis' is added.
// Jim, men aren't women. //

Well I guess that settles that then. To hell with all the "third gender" identities in various other cultures, for example.

Y'all ought to give more consideration to the experiences of transpeople, rather than reduce it to some idea that they are cynically hijacking your identity. Given the abuse that such people receive, it would be a strange thing indeed to choose to do so for no reason.

The lack of respect, the lack of empathy, and the utter rejection of any alternative, are sad to see.
Well it's one of the things women get that men don't Spath, along with being pregnant, giving birth and having miscarriages. It's not an insult or indeed even a request for men not to answer (Sqad has been invaluable to so many women ABers) but it's true that men cannot have experienced it so have no firs hand information.
Jim, I'll consider it as I see fit. They are not women. What do you think of transgender people competing in women's sport?
I haven't experienced trans issues an i'm not trans, but the fact i'm not trans has nout to do with the points I've made on this thread about trans issues and how it affects trans people.

The same thing applies for masc and fem issues.

This thread need not be about my answers, can we try make it about the OP.
That was just an example, Spath, but giving birth, miscarriage (although I agree men have strong opinions on this)
"Jim, I'll consider it as I see fit. They are not women. What do you think of transgender people competing in women's sport?"

give me one UK example of a trans man competing in a womans sport.
Why does it have to be a UK example, spath. Are we segregating by nationality now?
I just feel we can only talk about an environment and society - socially we're all well aware of.
for example i've no idea how society in Africa see's these issues but i'm sure it's different.

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