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Deskdiary | 19:07 Thu 11th Apr 2019 | News
327 Answers
For the first time in my life I've used LOL.

Come on....even the most achingly right-on amongst us on AB, and there's loads, must find this LOL. I more than LOL'd, I bloody roared with laughter. He was wearing an Ann Summers Mrs Clause outfit fer christ's sake.

What the hell is somebody who is clearly a bloke doing pouting like that?

Am I wrong to find this hilarious?



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If I had ,for some reason or other, to refer to a person I had seen or met and nobody informed me that that person was transgender then I would refer to him/her as such depending on how that person appeared to me.
Making up words so your arrogant point has some form of gravity?
Danny but if they told you their preference, would you respect that, or continue to rudely dismiss it because of some kind of attitude problem you may have?
I tell you what's 'honestyphobic' shall I? Me not telling some people on here exactly what I think of their deliberate rudeness and hate. Why, just why be like this? Life is too short to deliberately upset people needlessly.
Calicogirl, you have your opinion, others have theirs. Disagreement happens. That's life.
If someone changes their name you respect their new name, not their birth one. Same with hair colour. Why this can't be the case with gender, i do not know.

Gender is a social concept. IE, blue and pink. Barbie or toy truck. Sex is biological IE, penis or vagina.
Yeah and on another thread it's being discussed if hate mongering and racism is being normalised. I don't think it should be and I think anyone with such a lack of control that they can't grasp simple chosen pronouns in order not to offend someone is a nasty dick (that's my opinion to which I'm entitled :)
Spath, if I knew their preference then yes I would respect it.
That's what we're talking about here. In this instance, the nurse did not know. OK that's not her fault at all! However when corrected, she came out with "eurghh" (A noise of disgust) when in reality, she simply should have said OK sorry lady or something along those lines. Sorry maa'm or whatever. Sorry Mrs.
You are indeed entitled to your opinion, Calicogirl. I'm not sure about the aggression though ...
I agree entirely with Naomi. Spath, you seem to understand the difference between sex and gender, and yet mix them up on just about every single post.
It is nothing to do with transphobia... biology may well be transphobic. It is also sexist and ageist, but it it still the truth.
There is no need for disrespect of individual people, but there is also no need for outright lies.
People should be able to be however they are (barring criminals...) without needing to have irreversible major operations.
There is a way to shorten ridiculously long links - I think however most of us know what one of those costumes looks like.
I was rather hoping that Jim would answer my question at 12:34 Mon.
People are talking like they understand, adamant to call this female "him" (overly rude) but they have no idea how this person thinks or feels. Stubborn arrogant ignorance. Literally.

Maybe one day if you have a relative who transitions you could have more compassion.

To have such an issue with this, when it has nothing to do with you personally, shows you in a very ill light.
pixie, what if the person wants the operation?
Spath, a willingness to propagate lies was never an indication of integrity – in my opinion.
quit that pathetic playground debating tactic Naomi, it's a horrible colour on you.

You're talking about an issue you can't even comprehend. You've no idea if it's a lie.
The way in which we understand sex and gender is changing -- and in a way that reflects something that has always been true in society, namely that the two are different aspects of a person's identity. It does nobody any good to respond to such an understanding as "propagating lies".

As to your question at 12:34 yesterday, as far as I'm concerned I've already responded to it. No matter any innate biological advantages, a sportsperson still has to train and put in a huge amount of effort.
spath, quit the personal attacks.

//You've no idea if it's a lie. //

Yes - I do. Men aren't women.

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