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Deskdiary | 19:07 Thu 11th Apr 2019 | News
327 Answers
For the first time in my life I've used LOL.

Come on....even the most achingly right-on amongst us on AB, and there's loads, must find this LOL. I more than LOL'd, I bloody roared with laughter. He was wearing an Ann Summers Mrs Clause outfit fer christ's sake.

What the hell is somebody who is clearly a bloke doing pouting like that?

Am I wrong to find this hilarious?



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The logical conclusion to all of this is that at some point in the future there'll be no such thing as gender. Masculine and feminine pronouns will have become obsolete. There will just be people with different configurations of genitalia, that they either had from birth, or reconfigured subsequently.

No-one will have to identify as anything other than a human being.

Roll on that time, but until then, if you look like a man, people may well think you're a man.
I actually had a huge amount of kindness from men regarding my miscarriage Spath so it's not a man hating thing, and I only directed my answer to you because you brought the subject up of people not needing to know what sex anyone was and Ummm said it's useful to know sometimes. It's not an attack Spath plot x
Gender is a social concept.

Sex is biological.
what LA do is up to them. They seem to be more socially accepting.
It was the world championships!! That it took place in LA is irrelevant
Equal opportunity though, No?
// Jim, I'll consider it as I see fit. //

Of course you will, and such is your choice, but you should at the very least accept that the way you consider it is far from "the bottom line". If you had done more open and extensive reading into the subject you would have understood that, at least.

As to your question of transgender women competing in sport, it's clearly a separate issue from transgender women in society in general. The way in which this person was treated ought to be seen as shameful whether or not you think that transwomen should be able to compete in sports.

But after having dodged the question for a paragraph... I am undecided on that. It should be down to the entrants concerned and the referees. As long as the choice of living as a woman extends beyond sports, though, it becomes pretty pathetic to assume that it was purely a cynical exercise designed to allow the individual to win competitions. If someone "became" a woman for a few months, or whatever, won some sporting events, then "reverted" to a man soon after then they should be banned from the sport and any medals revoked, ie treated same as drugs cheats.
And only this morning you said sport was a different issue, spath. Make your mind up.
It is a separate issue but people need to use it to make a point about the issue at hand, apparently. I can only respond to that, Naomi.
if you re-read the thread, you'll see my mind is set on where it is, i'm not fumbling around.
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The Rachel McKinnon case was a disgrace - the other competitors should have refused to compete.

Rachel McKinnon still has all the equipment of a man, and from the photo it is abundantly clear he has an unfair advantage over the women competitors.
"Equal opportunity though, No?"
Seriously? Of course it wasn't equal opportunity.
As to the OP very hurtful and unacceptable if the nurse said uurgghhh or similar - however if she'd said it to someone with a huge fit to burst spot on their noise or a huge bogey in their nose it would have been just as rude but wouldn't have made the press.
DD be careful. You deliberate use of 'HE' seems to me like a bit of a hate crime. You wouldn't want ur answers removed over such a petty use of the word he? When you know they like to be refereed to as she?

Have you absolutly zero respect?
Jim, //it becomes pretty pathetic to assume that it was purely a cynical exercise designed to allow the individual to win competitions.//

Where on earth do you get it from? No one has suggested that. Transgender people are being allowed to compete in women’s sport simply because they identify as women and we all have to be accepting of that - allegedly. Look at the link Prudie posted. Is that fair? Seriously.
"She", Deskdiary - it's really not difficult.
can I point out that ther discussion on this around it being sometimes useful/helpful/desirable to know whether that poster is male or female, setting aside all the other considerations, there is a huge assumption here that people tell the truth when they declare their gender
There is nothing transphobic about refusing not to lie and join in the changing of gender description for someone to the gender they wish they were, instead of who they actually are. It's honestyphobic to insist folk do so.
So if someone changed their name, or hair colour, we should not say oh, you have blue hair, but say, oh your roots are black you must have black hair?
AB Editor, //"She", Deskdiary - it's really not difficult.//

I find it difficult because it isn’t true. As OG says to insist that other people fall into line by perpetrating the lie could be described as ‘honestyphobic’.

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