"There is, we can discuss this line Mushroom wishes us to draw to make it clear that drink beverages aren't comparable to domestic cleaning chemicals."
There's no need to draw a line or make a distinction or comparison. Obviously caustic liquids will cause more injury but a significant feature of the case I mentioned earlier was not the damage caused by the contents of the carton but the carton itself. A full large carton of milkshake probably weighs in at about half a kilo. Hit somebody in the face with that and serious damage can ensue, especially to the eyes and mouth. To suggest that chucking anything like that at somebody is somehow acceptable ("because it's only milkshake")is just simply incredible. There are lots of politicians with whom I vehemently disagree but I would not consider chucking a carton of milkshake (or anything else) at them (or anybody else). That's because I know how to behave myself.