steg - // // bang on AH, BA. It's regular feature of the remoaners argument that had we known what would ensue we'd vote to continue our enslavement. BS.//
Aye the ‘so’ rule wins the day lol //
Not in this case it doesn't.
The 'So' Rule involves saying something a poster has not said, and then criticising them for it, opening a sentence with "So what you are saying is …".
I paraphrased what you actually did say, and since you failed to accept that, I have quoted it directly back to you.
The 'So Rule' does not apply in this instance, so it doesn't win.
It would help if you actually read what people are saying, it will save you trying to deny what you have said, and then having it quoted back at you as proof of the facile argument you are trying to offer.