Ignorance and mockery from the usual quarters I see. (And since I started writing this post a believer in moral relativism: all cuktures and practices are qual.)
Another normal crazy day on AB then.
Aceh province is a part of "moderate" Indonesia which has adopted Sharia and its penal code the hadood. Whippings, stonings and amputations are not extreme, they are God's Law as prescribed in the Koran and the hadith, and endorsed by the Prophet both in his words and by his actions. These practices are common in many Muslim majority countries, and will become even more common after the false dan of the "Arab Spring" (if that isn't a confused metaphor).
Optimists who think this stuff is "extreme" and will go away , and talk (hope?) for an Islamic "Reformation" please note that such a reformation has beenf occurring. There was the Deobandi movement in India in the 19th century, the Salafist movement in Egypt at the same time and Wahhabism which gave us the House of Saud. Then there is the increased Islamisation of former colonies once released from their masters in the twentieth century. This "Reformation" is a return to Islam's pure roots, and an implicit rejection of Western civilisation at the heart of which is the blasphemous concept of democracy, that is to say "man-made" law.
Other "moderate" Muslim countries(or those with with large Muslim populations) where sharia now operates are Pakistan, and the federal states of Nigeria and Malaysia.
Personsally I like the altruism to give a damn about any of this if the barbarism was confined to those place, but given that most European mosques are funded by - and frequently have imams from - sharia states like Saudi Arabia, and given its high Muslim birth rate, Europe will come under increasing pressure to adopt sharia whether by direct, or by theindirect means (looking the other way ) which even now tolerates polygamy, FGM, forced marriage and worse.