You can't point the lying finger one way. Yesterday Boris Johnson walked out in front of No 10 and lied to everybody's face when he said progress was being made. Pretty much nobody else in the EU knew what he was talking about. He also lied when he said he didn't want a GE. You must know that's an act: his entire pitch is to fight a GE on "Parliament v. the People", so he must be seen to be reluctant, but he's been gunning for that election, and for this office, since Day 1.
Meanwhile we're still left with the usual question of what "respecting the result of the referendum" means. The referendum was respected at the instant that A50 notification was given, thus forcing Parliament and Government to look at almost nothing else for the last three years, and in all likelihood get bogged down by the issue for the next three years and beyond too. No Deal barely got a mention in 2017, and in the 2016 campaign was a threat to be dismissed, rather than an aspiration to be chased.
At the moment, Parliament is fighting to take No Deal off the table, and then only for a few more months. It isn't fighting to take Brexit off the table.