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Off Duty Police Headbutter

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spathiphyllum | 09:54 Thu 10th Oct 2019 | News
305 Answers
Ahh it all makes sense now! The sadism of the met. Vile. I can not believe the off duty cop isn't facing retribution. Reasonable force? Pffft. What kind of example does this set! Absolutely vile.


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As has been said the guy was already restrained If this copper is willing to head butt the guy in full glare of the public ; when any threat was already neutralised ;i wonder what he is prepared to do to other people , when there is no one around in a non life threatening situation . Whatever you think of the guy is irrelevant in the circumstances I certainly wouldn't...
13:30 Thu 10th Oct 2019
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"Tough. If he hadn't behaved as he did ... you know the rest."

Yes, and if the off duty police officer hadn't behaved as he did, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Anything with substance to add, Naomi?
Just stating a fact, spath ..... The man is the author of his own misfortune.
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So Naomi if the off duty police officer, in a response to this video, got shot in the face.. that would have been because he is the author of his own misfortune?


Would it be because some hyped up runt decided it was their job to do something unnecessary?
spath, that's what you would call a moot question. Break the law - create problems for yourself. It's not difficult to understand.
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And in my opinion, the off duty police officer broke the law. Simple.
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Depending on the damages the man took, deffo ABH.
In your opinion. We know.
The met didn't think he broke the law. Simple.
Oh by the way spath I am a million times more mature than you.
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As you've just proved, HereIAm.
Thank you.
This particular discussion could go on forever, with no side changing it's view.

Ultimately, if you act like an aggressive *** you not only create trouble for others, but you also invite it for yourself. Did the policeman headbutt anyone else on the train? No - he headbutted only the aggressive ***.

Moral of the story: if you don't want trouble, don't act like an aggressive ***.

(If it gets starred out, the word rhymes with 'pass whole')
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Aye but why become an aggressive *** to make a point to an aggressive ***?

Does the oppo affect especially when you rep the met.

I get your point, Ludwig.
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The police have no need to stoop to such levels.
Move along, nothing more to see here.
// The police have no need to stoop to such levels. //

They're human beings, not robots. As I said earlier, blame the knife carriers and terrorists for the 'better safe than sorry' approach.
Save your outrage for them rather than people trying to do the right thing in what must have been a stressful situation for all concerned.
It is mental health day today I believe. Thanks to everyone who as tried to lend a hand. :0)
Beggars belief that some people on here condone the head-butting of an already restrained offender.
Its not the job of the police to dish out justice as they see fit...that's the job of the courts!

Contrary to what others have said about myself on other threads, I *DONT* hate the police. But actions like this certainly make me question the ability of *SOME* police officers to hold that position because it reflects on the rest of the force.
Well, sometimes not even a taser will stun someone high on drugs.
//Well, sometimes not even a taser will stun someone high on drugs//
Did this man need stunning? He was already restrained.

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