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Off Duty Police Headbutter

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spathiphyllum | 09:54 Thu 10th Oct 2019 | News
305 Answers
Ahh it all makes sense now! The sadism of the met. Vile. I can not believe the off duty cop isn't facing retribution. Reasonable force? Pffft. What kind of example does this set! Absolutely vile.


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As has been said the guy was already restrained If this copper is willing to head butt the guy in full glare of the public ; when any threat was already neutralised ;i wonder what he is prepared to do to other people , when there is no one around in a non life threatening situation . Whatever you think of the guy is irrelevant in the circumstances I certainly wouldn't...
13:30 Thu 10th Oct 2019
Danny, I meant they would have been scared at the time. Of course they are unlikely to complain... that does not prove the actions were right though.
The BA highlights nothing more than an agreement with you. Meaningless.
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The MET in their statement never implied any kind of witness information protected the off duty police officer. I feel they would. If the man actually had a knife also that'd be clearly stated.
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The BA highlights real peoples perspective on a impulsive off duty police officer SK.
//If the man actually had a knife//

As I said, next time best wait until he stabs someone. Then they'll know. A sure way to avoid criticism.
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Naomi the man was well restrained before the headbut.

The headbutt did NOT protect anyone from a knife even if there was one. The three men restraining had done that.
Not interested, spath.
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If you're not interested in the facts then i'm not interested in your short opinion.
You're interested enough to respond.
The police were interested in the facts, hence the result.
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"Not interested, spath."


As are you. So where do we go from here?

Maybe we could actually discuss the topic at hand, rather than juvenile exchanges of trying to gain discussion superiority by the act of snide.
Spath // to gain discussion superiority by the act of snide.//
You were the first to employ snide remarks directed towards Retrocop. or had you forgotten that,
Yes, whenever anyone threatens me with a knife, I always say 'Come on then, let's have a look at it' In fact if he does have one I might ask him to jab me in the arm once or twice. Just to see how sharp it is, you understand.
spath, I'm interested in the topic - just not in your perpetual hand-wringing.
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I think you'll fine, for my comment to retro to have been made, i first read " Keep on howling at the moon." If that's not mocking in an indirect way i'm unsure what is. I was basically called a lunatic.

However, it was water of a ducks back, typical exchange and it revolve around the topic at hand.

Where as with Naomi (ahh, our Naomi), Naomi doesn't wish to inspect the facts further. She's not interested. So her comment was simply to rustle feathers, where as retros had the topic at it's heart.
spath, hang on to your wayward mouth. It's getting away. See my post at 15.35.
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Naomi said

"As I said, next time best wait until he stabs someone."

But action has already been taken.. there was no waiting.. the man was already basically detained.

No threat was there

The headbutt was retaliation from a shout into the face.

They did not need to wait, and they didn't. Action had been taken to detain the potential terrorist. Any further action, whilst the man was restricted would be from a personal desire.
God spath, are you STILL ranting on about this ???
Tough. If he hadn't behaved as he did ... you know the rest.
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If i'm ranting on.. what are you doing? Sitting in the sidelines shouting 'shut up'.

Now try mature up a bit and let the adults discuss the topic if they wish to. If not, there are many other threads out there!

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