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Off Duty Police Headbutter

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spathiphyllum | 09:54 Thu 10th Oct 2019 | News
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Ahh it all makes sense now! The sadism of the met. Vile. I can not believe the off duty cop isn't facing retribution. Reasonable force? Pffft. What kind of example does this set! Absolutely vile.


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As has been said the guy was already restrained If this copper is willing to head butt the guy in full glare of the public ; when any threat was already neutralised ;i wonder what he is prepared to do to other people , when there is no one around in a non life threatening situation . Whatever you think of the guy is irrelevant in the circumstances I certainly wouldn't...
13:30 Thu 10th Oct 2019
A spokesperson said no further action would be taken against the officer.

“The Met’s Directorate of Professional Standards have reviewed the video and the details surrounding the incident and are satisfied that there is no indication that the officer committed a criminal offence, nor that he behaved in a manner that would justify disciplinary proceedings,” the spokesperson said.

Good result.
Wasting your time Sparklykid. Some here suddenly become illiterate or only see what they think they want to see.
To be fair, spath, there would be no way at the time of knowing he didn't have a knife on him- particularly as he was claiming he did. However- once he was restrained and everyone was "safe", there is no excuse for excess violence. Particularly not from someone supposedly with the Met.
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Retro, on the contrary. I read what the MET wrote. That's why i stated "One rule for them".
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Imagine, if this was not an under cover police officer.. Would the action still have been legal? I highly doubt it.
The review was conducted by the Met! Hardly unbiased. Just a shame this comes up to their standards. I would never have guessed that tbh.
What are the actual facts. 1) off duty. 2) under cover .. ?
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Sorry.. i keep saying under cover i mean off duty
As has been said earlier, the Met would have interviewed some of the witnesses/passengers and come to a decision based on what the witnesses said, not (like some on here) on the evidence of a partial video of the scene.
It says off-duty, although I am not sure it makes a difference. They, of all people, should be trained in preventing violence and not exacerbating it.
Danny, witnesses were probably scared and didn't care as long as they were safe. They already were by that point, it is hardly an objective point of view.
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The video is all i need danny. I can see a man being restrained by three men, one of whom has both his arms on both the wrists of the man in a crossed position. This was followed by a forehead blow to the nose because the man shouted "I'm not clever".

What the video displays is clear. As is the shock horror of some of the passengers as they gasp in shock. Yes, some sadistic ones applauded (vile).

We can all paint a picture of what happened, and the off duty police officer, in my pinion, acted unprofessionally.
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Off duty police officer headbutts and detains man on train, at next station do you: Go to your stop.. get off train to complain about off duty police officer to boys in hi viz.. and IF you did.. how do you really think it would go?

It would appear the frightened passengers cheered and applauded when the low life was effectively dealt with. Pity you were not there Spath, you could have shouted "leave the poor man alone "
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because i doubt everyone had to get off at the next stop. And if they did, i doubt they'd get involved in the mayhem to make a complaint. You'd hope the video of the vile attack would be enough for the MET to at least release a statement instead of competently support the cretin.
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Yes i would have because i don't blindly follow people like Sheep SK, i actually have a mind of my own and something called empathy.

I hate a bully or anyone of that size taking such dominance over someone who is already restrained. Vile behaviour and it's actually rather concerning as the BA highlights.
Pixie, //Danny, witnesses were probably scared and didn't care as long as they were safe//
They would have been interviewed in a safe environment. If any of them or the culprit had made a complaint the matter would have been referred to the Independent Police complaints Commission, but complaint was made.
Sparkly, they were bound to be scared. They are human and not expecting it. I'm sure my initial reaction would be similar. But that doesn't prove it is either the best way to deal with the situation, or that is is rational.
^ but no complaint^
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"They would have been interviewed in a safe environment. "

How and why?
Not everyone had to get off at Upminster and i suspect those that did didn't stick around.

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