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More 'transgender' Nonsense?

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Deskdiary | 20:14 Fri 25th Oct 2019 | News
106 Answers
I hate to break it to you 'Mr' McConnell, but men cannot give birth. They just can't. And no amount of legislation or reassignment surgery will EVER change that basic fact. What has, in fact happened, is a woman masquerading as a man has given birth. Women give birth and men do not, because they cannot.

Am I alone in thinking this is nuts?

Monty Python were truly prophetic in their sketch!



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The nonsense begins here: //He was able to get pregnant but was legally a man when the child was born.// It was perpetuated when “his” brief said she was disappointed with the original ruling (when Sir Andrew MacFarlane ruled that people who give birth are mothers, regardless of their gender). It was continued when a High Court judge ruled that he had an...
21:26 Fri 25th Oct 2019
I wish Freddy all the best for the future and the child too - they'll be building a happy life and using terms within that life as we all do that have nothing to do with anyone else.

A simple explanation when the child is old enough that the legal documents see it differently will hopefully suffice.
What benefits? He works for The Guardian.
He might get Child Benefit, but so do all couples (or singles) regardless of gender, and depending on income.
TTT...I'm not. End of!

DD - like I said, it's not ideal but we don't live in an ideal world.
I might have known he works for the Gruniard.
Don't go shattering any preconceived ideas Clover. you'll upset the applecart.
Consistently inconsistent Theland - a few seconds ago you had Freddy on benefits.
Whilst I agree that a man cannot give birth I found the documentary very emotional and moving. The transgender woman was having treatment for transition and it was stopped in order to give her IVF so that she could have a baby. In time she will complete her transition to become a man. So the child will then be raised by his father who also gave birth to him so then the father becomes the 'birth mother' . Bit complicated but theoretically a man has given birth.
The man gave birth when he was a woman. Not confusing at all for a child .
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"Bit complicated but theoretically a man has given birth."

^^^total nonsense.

There's no theoretically about it. Men cannot give birth.
Altho I think the whole thing is absurd the easy way to deal with it is to have "parent 1" and "parent2" on the birth certificate which might prevent this type of thing.
An attention seeking *** has drawn some attention to itself.
Pity the child.
He /She/It lives by his/her/its own morality.
Great eh?
What I find so difficult is everyone being so supportive and how great it all it is and how prejudiced and interfering those who don't agree with it are is this - you are denying this child of ever being able to connect with a mother, have a mother, know who their mother is if this person has their way with all your blessings. Quite odd.
Freddy wold have accepted 'Parent' Barmaid.

I cannot see anything too confusing for a loved, well fed and cared for child that can't be chatted about at home.
^ would, apologies.
I didn't say that a man had given birth. I said a transgender woman.
I would think that it will be confusing for the child if asked who his mother is or who gave birth to him . Does he say --'my dad'?
Prudie - I think much comes down to people just not caring. It has no effect on our lives. Plenty of kids are raised very well by single parents.
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I feel like I've entered a weird parallel universe.

'I'm a woman because I've given birth to a child, and only women can give birth, but because I've decided I'm a man (a man with a womb, fallopian tubes and a fanny (a complete medical marvel) otherwise I wouldn't have been able to give birth), I want everybody to indulge me in my total fantasy'

I'm being flippant to make a point, but surely, misuse of pronouns (ummm) or not, this is just ridiculous isn't it?

Or am I the one that's wrong?
The nonsense begins here:

//He was able to get pregnant but was legally a man when the child was born.//

It was perpetuated when “his” brief said she was disappointed with the original ruling (when Sir Andrew MacFarlane ruled that people who give birth are mothers, regardless of their gender). It was continued when a High Court judge ruled that he had an “arguable case” and so could appeal.

This country, when it eventually regains it senses and rids its institutions of this abject nonsense, will rue the day it embarked on this journey to utter lunacy. To bring a child up to believe that the person who gave birth to them is a man and is known as its father must be among the most damaging and confusing things that can be done to a child. Why the State should encourage such harm to be inflicted on a child is anybody’s guess. Hopefully it will regain its senses before the lunatic minority inflicts too much damage on our youngsters.

//Can someone remind me what TG Cobra means again?//

Transgender cobblers' awls, ummm.
Fed up already.

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